Usubeni by vertically

HEX: #d35871 RGB: R211 G88 B113 CMYK: C0 M0.583 Y0.464 K0.173 Light red. It is also said that “Tan ko” or “Usu Kurenai” in Japan. Please check it out! > product for example うすべに たんこう うすくれない 色 漢字

[Kanji] Zangyo Ninja Hoodie

Design front Design back [Kanji] Zangyo Ninja Hoodie Originally, the ninja was an officer soldier who served the lord, so there was no overtime. However, in modern times, covert action is possible, but murder is a crime. There is no lord. Ninjas also have to change their way of life. an official calligraphy

I love you in Katakana

I love you in Japanese Katakana. It is literal translation. > Love in Japanese stock

Tokyo Yamanote Line Challenge T-shirt

design Front design Back Tokyo Yamanote Line Challenge T-shirt The Japan Railway (JR) Yamanote Line is a railway loop line in Tokyo. front: Yamamote challenge in Japanese Kanji and Katakana. back: All JR Yamamote stations, sure include Takanawa gateway station as newly. Let’s wear this and go around the Yamanote line!

Tokyo Yamanote Line Challenge (positive letters) T-shirt

design Front design Back The Japan Railway (JR) Yamanote Line is a railway loop line in Tokyo. front: Yamamote challenge in Japanese Kanji and Katakana. back: All JR Yamamote stations, sure include Takanawa gateway station as newly. Let’s wear this and go around the Yamanote line! Tokyo Yamanote Line Challenge (positive letters) T-shirt


Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement. Trans-Pacific Partnership. An international agreement to almost completely free the movement of people, goods, money, information and services between countries around the Pacific Ocean. The TPP is a huge economic zone with a gross domestic product (GDP) of about 13% of the world, trade value of 15% of the … Read More

Metallic color

It is a dark blue-green color that resembles the color of iron-burnt skin. It may also refer to the dull blue color of the glaze Kuresu. Japanese says Kuro-gane-iro. > example products for metal > example products for colors くろがねいろ 漢字

very angry

censure really severely or too angrily. become very angry. Japanese currently word as low importance between young ages. Japanese calls Geki-O-Ko-Pu-N-Pu-N-Maru. > stock of angry

very very angry

censure really severely or too angrily. become very angry. It is more anger than Geki-O-Ko-Pu-N-Pu-N-Maru. Japanese currently word as low importance between young ages. Japanese calls Mu-Ka-Cha-Kka-Fire. > stock of angry


Please check it out! > example products A peaceful and enjoyable land governed by a royal road. Japanese calls O-Do-Raku-Do. おうどうらくど 漢字 四字熟語

amicable settlement

There should be no complaints or inadequacies, and the case should be resolved gently. It means to solve things, incidents, troubles, etc. promptly. Japanese calls En-Man-Kai-Ketsu. > wish things stock 円満解決 えんまんかいけつ 四字熟語 漢字

Tokyo Yamanote challenge T-Shirt

design Front design Back Tokyo Yamanote line T-Shirt The Yamanote Line is a railway loop line in Tokyo. front: Yamamote challenge in Japanese Kanji and Katakana. back: All JR Yamamote stations, sure include Takanawa gateway station as newly. Let’s wear this and go around the Yamanote line!

Access to Famous Landmark in Tokyo rev2 Postcard

Some lines and stations are listed. Because all line and station are too much. Access to Famous Landmark in Tokyo rev2 Postcard

[Kanji] fine days T-Shirt

[Kanji] fine days T-Shirt A clear sky without a single cloud. The heart is clear. There should be no lumps in my heart. Japanese says “Ni hon bare”.

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