[Kanji] CTO Mug

[Kanji] CTO Mug It is the title of a company that takes the form of an American-style corporate governance organization. He is in charge of the technology development department and the research and development department, and has been introduced to many companies belonging to the manufacturing industry and information-related industry, which are technology-led industries. … Read More

[Kanji] CEO Mug

[Kanji] CEO Mug It is the title of a company that takes the form of an American-style corporate governance organization. The CEO often has the role of strategic decision making of the company, management audit of executive officers, and business execution by himself, so he has a great deal of authority compared to the … Read More

[Kanji] Samurai Mug

[Kanji] Samurai Mug A Japanese warrior. Now there are no samurais in japan. But Japanese has chivalrous spirit like a Samurai.