World Heritage Site

World heritage is an irreplaceable treasure that was created by the creation of the earth and the history of human beings and has been handed over from the past to the present. People from all over the world who live now are inherited from the past and are common legacy of mankind who has … Read More

Carnivorous girl

They are love and connection for the men to act aggressively. Japanese says “Niku shoku jo shi”. > example stuff にくしょくじょし 漢字


Japan calls Chi-Ji. A chief who governs and represents each prefecture. Manages and executes the affairs of prefectures and the affairs of countries and other public organizations that belong to their authority. > leader in Japanese stock


A person who believes in Christianity. In general, Christians belong to a group of churches called denominations, which are divided based on their beliefs and certain theological items. Different denominations have different definitions of Christians due to the differences in the interpretation of the Bible that they have cultivated in their traditions and the … Read More

Manga Otaku in Kanji

> example products Japanese calls Man-Ga-O-Taku. まんがをたく 漢字

Manga Otaku in Japanese Hiragana

> example products The basic definitions of otaku are “having a particular object”, “consuming time and money extremely intensively for that object”, “having deep knowledge and imagination, and disseminating information”. People who are also engaged in activities and creative activities. ” Wrote in Japanese Hiragana. まんがおたく ひらがな


1. a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere 2. a person who comes from a foreign country 3. anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found. It’s in Japanese Kata-kana. > alien in Japanese stock エイリアン 片仮名

representative director

A director who has authority to represent a stock company. The Representative Director supervises Directors’ performance of duties. Japanese calls Dai-Hyo-Tori-Shimari-Yaku. > head kanji stocks だいひょうとりしまりやく 漢字


a Japanese woman trained to entertain men with conversation and singing and dancing. > product for example ゲイシャ 漢字

oxidized silver

oxidized silver, mat silver. The pathos of middle-aged. It doesn’t look gorgeous, but it has the ability and charm. Japanese calls I Bu Shi Gin. > colors stocks いぶしぎん 平仮名と漢字

strong player, tough guy

A strong man. Japanese says “Mo Sa”. > example products 漢字 猛者 もさ


To circulate money by producing, distributing, consuming and wasting services and products in activities that humans do to improve their living environment. It is also a social relationship formed through them. Japanese says Kei-zai. Please check it out!  > example stuff 漢字 けいざい

Otaku in Hiragana by horizontally

\ Otaku is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly (but not limited to) anime, manga or Japanese video games. Please check it out! > Otaku (Wotaku) Stocks をたく ひらがな


Bitch was originally a word that means a female dog, but the meaning as a slang is more prominent and a word that is not often used in the original dog sense. It’s in Japanese Kata-kana. > slang in Japanese stock ビッチ カタカナ

Otaku in Japanese Hiragana

Otaku is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly (but not limited to) anime, manga or Japanese video games. Please check it! > Otaku (Wotaku) Stocks をたく ひらがな


prick teaser, rantipole. a girl who behaves in a boyish manner. japanese says O-ten-ba. > one’s personality stock

Bite me

That is imperative form in Japanese Kanji and Hira-gana. > example stuff かめ 漢字と平仮名

Bite me (transliterated)

That is imperative form in Japanese Kata-kana. > example stuff かめ バイトミー カタカナ 片仮名


Exact meaning as this kanji: your home, your house. Languor: Otaku is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly (but not limited to) anime, manga or Japanese video games. And more > Otaku (Wotaku) Stocks 御宅 おたく 漢字

Otaku in Hiragana

Otaku is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly (but not limited to) anime, manga or Japanese video games. Please check here! > Otaku (Wotaku) Stocks をたく ひらがな

Otaku in Katakana

Otaku is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly (but not limited to) anime, manga or Japanese video games. > example stuff ヲタク カタカナ

Anime Otaku in Katakana

a People who have knowledge and interest in animation. It is normal notation to use “オ” for the 4th letter, but in net slang and otaku friends, “ヲ” is written. And more here! > Otaku (Wotaku) Stocks あにめおたく カタカナ

Parents (guardian)

Please check it out! > example products Japanese says Ho-go-sha. A person who has an obligation to protect minors. In particular, the parent of the child, or someone who replaces the parent. ほごしゃ 漢字


A devil who is believed to bring epidemic to the world. It is believed to enter the homes and cause sickness and misery. Japanese calls Yaku-Byo-Gami. > example products やくびょうがみ 漢字


Japanese calls Satsu-Jin-Han. a criminal who commits homicide. > offender stocks さつじんはん 漢字


The idea of ​​eating mainly vegetable foods and trying to live without eating meat. Often due to religious and ideological beliefs, but not always. Buddhism and Hinduism prohibit carnivorous food, and Christianity often discusses the pros and cons of carnivorous food, and even now some denominations do not. This principle is called a vegetarian. … Read More


People who like products made with natural (animal and plant) raw materials as the main ingredients and using as few chemical ingredients as possible. A group of writers who stand in the position of naturalism who insist on copying reality as it is, without idealization. japanese said “Shi-Zern-Ha”. > nature stocks しぜんは 漢字


A kind of aesthetic life philosophy in the Edo period. It means people who are familiar with things, or people who are familiar with them. In modern times, there is a strong sense of conception, such as innocent things and good quality. Japanese says “Sui” “Iki” . > example stuff スイ いき 漢字

Insane person

1 The mental state is not normal. Also, that person. 2 A person who is out of the ordinary social life and spends the day hanging out. There are few people who can read it because it is a difficult Kanji character even in Japanese. japanese said “fu ten”. > crazy in Japanese stock

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