certain alien species

It is a creature that has entered the area that originally did not live from the original habitat due to human influence. An organism that prey on native organisms or may harm the ecosystem. Japanese says toku-tei-gai-rai-syu. > alien in Japanese stock 漢字 特定外来種 とくていがいらいしゅ

[Kanji] certain alien species T-Shirt

[Kanji] certain alien species T-Shirt It is designated as an alien species of foreign origin that is or may cause damage to the ecosystem, human life / body, agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Japanese says toku-tei-gai-rai-syu.

[Kanji] certain alien species Hoodie

[Kanji] certain alien species Hoodie It is designated as an alien species of foreign origin that is or may cause damage to the ecosystem, human life / body, agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Japanese says toku-tei-gai-rai-syu.