[Family Crests] A circle inner three-piece chrysanthemum Round Sticker

A circle inner three-piece chrysanthemum for Kamon. Flower symbol and graphics at old age for Japanese family. [Family Crests] A circle inner three-piece chrysanthemum Round Sticker

[Family Crests] A circle inner three-piece chrysanthemum flowers Sticker

[Family Crests] A circle inner three-piece chrysanthemum flowers Sticker A circle inner three-piece chrysanthemum for Kamon. Flower symbol and graphics at old age for Japanese family. It’s negative positive inversion.

[Family Crests] A circle inside Peony flower with leaves Round Sticker

A circle inside Peony flower with leaves for Kamon. Flower symbol and graphics at old age for Japanese family. [Family Crests] A circle inside Peony flower with leaves Round Sticker

Yagasuri japan traditional pattern Red Tote Bag

The design of the arrow feathers. Since the arrow does not fly straight back and does not come back, it has been also heard that it is an auspicious pattern that does not come back if it is given to the bride. Yagasuri japan traditional pattern Red Tote Bag

[Kanji] cactus T-Shirts

Cactus A perennial succulent plant that grows in the tropical and subtropical arid regions of the Americas, centered on Mexico. Japanese says “Saboten”. [Kanji] cactus T-Shirts

[Kanji] Milk long sleeves T-Shirt

White opaque liquid with secretions from bovine mammary glands. In addition to being consumed as a beverage that contains a large amount of nutritional components and is easily digested and absorbed, it is also widely used as a raw material for dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, and butter. Japanese calls Gyu-Nyu [Kanji] Milk … Read More

[Kanji] Sake as Japanese rice wine T-Shirt

[Kanji] Sake and Japanese rice wine T-Shirt It is a drink made by steaming white rice, adding koji and water, fermenting and aging it, and it is also used as a seasoning for cooking. Alcohol is said to be the chief of 100 medicines, and it is said that it is very good for … Read More

[Kanji] Natto T-Shirts

[Kanji] Natto T-Shirts Fermented food made from soybeans. Natto is made by fermenting steamed soybeans with natto bacteria, and has a unique stickiness and flavor.

[Kanji] ocean sunfish T-Shirt

[Kanji] ocean sunfish T-Shirt It reaches a total length of 3m. The body is flattened, and the tail fin is degenerated in a pleated shape and is called a rudder fin. Distributed in warm waters around the world, it swims with its dorsal fin on the surface of the sea. Japanese says “Manbou”.

[Kanji] Mozuku seaweed vinegar T-Shirt

[Kanji] Mozuku seaweed vinegar T-Shirt It is said that eating this will help recover from fatigue and prevent body odor. Japanese calls Mo-Zuku-Su.

[Kanji] Sloth T-shirt

They live mainly on trees in the dense forest areas of the South American continent, and feed on leaves and flowers. Body length 50-64 cm, no tail, or even short. Japan calls Namakemono. [Kanji] Sloth T-shirt

[Kanji] oyster long sleeves T-Shirt

Oysters are called “sea milk” and are edible not only in Japan but also in Europe and the United States, and important species are cultivated. In particular, it is a nutritionally excellent food with a high amount of iron and zinc and a slightly high amount of vitamin A. It is sweet and tasty, … Read More

[Kanji] Platypus T-shirt

[Kanji] platypus T-shirt small densely furred aquatic monotreme of Australia and Tasmania having a broad bill and tail and webbed feet. Japanese calls Kamono-Hashi.

[Kanji] Pig long sleeves T-Shirt

[Kanji] Pig long sleeves T-Shirt It is a domesticated wild boar and is thought to have already been domesticated in Mesopotamia around 4000 BC. There are more than 300 major pig varieties alone. Larger varieties weigh nearly 400 kg. This kanji is not a common kanji. Japanese calls Buta.

[Kanji] llama T-shirt

[Kanji] llama T-shirt wild or domesticated South American cud-chewing animal related to camels but smaller and lacking a hump.

[Kanji] llama Hoodie

wild or domesticated South American cud-chewing animal related to camels but smaller and lacking a hump. [Kanji] llama Hoodie

[Kanji] Koala T-shirt

Tree marsupials peculiar to Australia. It is known to have a peculiar eating habit that eats only some leaves of eucalyptus. It has a bear-like body, a large round head, and long hairs densely on its ears. Due to the development of forests and overfishing for fur, the number decreased significantly at one point, … Read More

[Hiragana] Otaku. iPhone Case

Otaku is a term that refers to lovers of subculture, and is a name unique to Japan that was born in the 1980s. In particular, it often refers to people who have hobbies such as anime, manga, and games. [Hiragana] Otaku. iPhone Case

[Kanji] Otaku signboard style Case-Mate iPhone Case

[Kanji] Otaku signboard style Case-Mate iPhone Case Otaku is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly (but not limited to) anime, manga or Japanese video games.

[Kanji] Samurai Mouse Pads

[Kanji] Samurai Mouse Pads A Japanese warrior. Now there are no samurais in japan.

Yagasuri japan traditional pattern blue-purple tote bag

The design of the arrow feathers. Since the arrow does not fly straight back and does not come back, it has been also heard that it is an auspicious pattern that does not come back if it is given to the bride. Yagasuri japan traditional pattern blue purple tote bag

[Kanji] Aileen Hoodie

[Kanji] Aileen Hoodie translated name into kanji for Aileen. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning.

[Kanji] Arashi Round Clock

A rough and violent wind. Also referred to when accompanied by rain, snow, or thunder. Japanese says ARASHI. [Kanji] Arashi Round Clock

[Family Crests] A circle inside Peony flower with leaves Sticker

[Family Crests] A circle inside Peony flower with leaves Sticker A circle inside Peony flower with leaves for Kamon. Flower symbol and graphics at old age for Japanese family. It’s negative positive inversion.

[Kanji] Love Round Wallclocks

[Kanji] Love Round Wallclocks Japanese says Ai.

[Katakana + Hiragana + Kanji] I love you T-Shirt

design Front design Back [Katakana + Hiragana + Kanji] I love you T-Shirt front : I love you in Japanese Katakana. Colloquial written. Back : I love you in Japanese Kanji and Hiragana.

green arabesque pattern traditional japanese desgin leggings

foliage scrolls (Karakusa), arabesque pattern This is white line pattern. You can chose custom background color. Take it easy! green arabesque pattern traditional japanese desgin leggings

[Kanji] grace T-shirt

The work of the mind to find out the true form of things and reason. Gods and Buddha, nature, and those who stand on top of them give back to people. benefit. Japanese calls Megumi, Kei or E T-shirt. [Kanji] grace T-Shirt

[Kanji] consumer T-Shirts

Those who use, eat, or receive services from the products produced. An organism that depends on the plant that is the producer in the ecosystem. Often refers only to animals and does not include bacteria or fungi that belong to the humus food chain. Japanese says “Syo-Hi-Sha”. [Kanji] consumer T-Shirt

[Kanji] honour as red character Acrylic Award

1 the quality of being honorable and having a good name. 2 the state of being honored. Japan calls Homare. [Kanji] honour as red character Acrylic Award

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