bowling in Kanji [in Stock]


One of the sports competitions. The ball is rolled toward 10 pins standing on the edge of a wooden floor called a lane, and the number of defeated pins competes for points. Origin and history Simple play like rolling stones seems to have been done for a very long time. In Roman times, bowling … Read More


a bowl of rice with chicken egg and vegetables in Kanji [in Stock]


1. Stir-fried simmered chicken and onion, shiitake mushrooms, etc. are simmered with chicken eggs on a bowl of rice. It is said that it began around the middle of the Meiji era. Parents(Oya) and children(Ko) mean chicken and chicken eggs. 2. Having physical negotiations on both the mother and her daughter. Also, for one … Read More


[Kanji] bowling T-shirt

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[Kanji] bowling T-shirt the playing of a game of tenpins or duckpins etc.

[Kanji] bowling T-shirt

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the playing of a game of tenpins or duckpins etc. [Kanji] bowling T-shirt

[Kanji] bowl of rice with chicken and egg (Oyakodon) T-shirt

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[Kanji] bowl of rice with chicken and egg 親子丼 T-Shirt Boiled chicken, green onions, shiitake mushrooms, etc., bound with chicken eggs, and sprinkled on rice in a bowl. Since it uses chicken and chicken eggs, it is called a parent and child (Oyako). [slang] Have physical negotiations with both the mother and her daughter. … Read More

[Kanji] bowl of rice with chicken and egg (Oyakodon) T-Shirts

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Boiled chicken, green onions, shiitake mushrooms, etc., bound with chicken eggs, and sprinkled on rice in a bowl. Since it uses chicken and chicken eggs, it is called a parent and child (Oyako). [slang] Have physical negotiations with both the mother and her daughter. Also, for one woman, both father and son have physical … Read More

Tempura in Kanji [in Stock]


It is a Japanese dish in which ingredients such as seafood and vegetables are wrapped in a garment mainly made of wheat flour and fried in oil. Tempura is a fast food imported from Nanban (Westerner) Tokugawa Ieyasu is known to have been very careful about his health, and it can be said that … Read More


simple meal in Kanji [in Stock]


It is also a must to have “one bowl of soup and one side dish” with a typical meal. Japan calls ‘Ichiju issai’. “Ichiju issai” was originally used to mean “simple meal (coarse meal)” with only one side dish, but westernization of eating habits, overeating (overnutrition), and obesity tendency. In recent years, when the … Read More


Ramen by horizontally in Kanji [in Stock]


Ramen is a dish born from the influx of Chinese noodle cuisine into Japan and its fusion with Japanese food culture. By combining the five elements of noodles, broth, sauce, ingredients, and fat/oil, an infinite number of recipes can be created, and many variations exist in terms of taste and style, including Soy sauce … Read More


[Kanji] simple meal T-shirt

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It is also a must to have “one bowl of soup and one side dish” with a typical meal. Japan calls ‘Ichiju issai’. “Ichiju issai” was originally used to mean “simple meal (coarse meal)” with only one side dish, but westernization of eating habits, overeating (overnutrition), and obesity tendency. In recent years, when the … Read More

[Kanji] simple meal long sleeves T-shirt

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[Kanji] simple meal long sleeves T-shirt It is also a must to have “one bowl of soup and one side dish” with a typical meal. Japan calls ‘Ichiju issai’. “Ichiju issai” was originally used to mean “simple meal (coarse meal)” with only one side dish, but westernization of eating habits, overeating (overnutrition), and obesity … Read More