1. Any social relationship about the act of producing, distributing, and consuming the things necessary for human life. 2. There is no cost and time-consuming. Japan call “Kei zai”.

That the business goes well, the profit comes out, and it flourishes. Japanese says “Sho bai han jo”.

1. Make it discount for customers and get things done. Also, its goods. 2. Menstruation (お is prefix and Language of princes in Japan at long ago) Japan call “O ma ke” in Japanese Hiragana.

All individuals and households that purchase or obtain goods or services for personal consumption. Japanese call “Sho hi sha”.

It is said to be derived from a Sanskrit word meaning “shining”. 1. money. In particular, large format gold coins. 2. something of value and value. Japanese says “Oh gon” “Ko gane”, in the past, it was also called “Kugane”. Goldgolden also has other meanings. In the adult world, it is also a common … Read More

a thousand at one scoop. to make a fortune at a stroke. Easily get big profits at once. Earn huge profits in one job. Japanese says “I kkaku sen kin”.

In general, this refers to the case where the developing country’s external debt accumulates and the debtor does not fulfill its contractual repayment obligations. There are two types of default: when a creditor declares to a debtor, and when the debtor refuses to pay. Japanese says “Sai mu fu ri ko”.

Element with atomic number 79. Periodic Table Group 11 transition elements. Atomic weight 196.96655 (2). Stable isotopes with a mass number of 197 (100%) and radioactive isotopes ranging from 169 to 205 are known. Gold is the oldest metal used by humankind, and gold instruments have been found in Egyptian ruins in B.C. 5000. … Read More