Halloween in Katakana - Zangyo-Ninja

A festival originated in Europe, held on October 31 every year. Originally a religious event that celebrates the autumn harvest and drives out evil spirits, it takes place on the night before the All-hallow, the day of the Catholic Saints, on November 1. Shortened “All-hallow-even” and called Halloween. In recent years there is Halloween … Read More

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disguise (Temporary) in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Temporary costume for people who fancy dress is not determined at Halloween. Japanese says “Ka-So-Kakko-Kari”.

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Give me sweets in Kanji and Hiragana - Zangyo-Ninja

It might be good when used for Halloween. Japanese says ”Ka Shi Kuda Sa I”.

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trick or treat in Kanji and Hiragana - Zangyo-Ninja

There is no exact letters in Japanese. Japanese kid says “Ita-Zura-Ka Ka-Shi-Wata-Su-Ka” when says Halloween, for example. This is Kanji and Hiragana letters.

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Trick or treat if brat says in Kanji and Hiragana - Zangyo-Ninja

If Japanese unruly kid says “Trick or Treat” at Halloween in Japanese. There is no corrective words in Japan. “take a trick or give me candy (sweets), you choose ” in literal translation.

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