Thanks in Katakana & 5 languages as love shaped [in Stock]


Thanks is expressed in English, Dutch, Swedish, Portuguese (male), Japanese Katakana and Indian Hindi as a heart-shaped writing style. And theme is “Heart of Gratitude”. The Japanese phrase “thanks” is written in a basic form. This Japanese phrase “arigatou” is the basic form of the word “thanks”. Although there are ways to write it … Read More


Thanks in Hiragana & 5 languages as love shaped [in Stock]


Thanks is expressed in English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese and Japanese Hiragana as a heart-shaped writing style. And theme is “Heart of Gratitude”. The Japanese phrase “thanks” is written in a basic form. This Japanese phrase “arigatou” is the basic form of the word “thanks”. Although there are ways to write it that include … Read More


Heart shaped thank you in some languages [in Stock]


This is a heart-shaped typographic rendition of the word “Thank you” in English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese Hiragana, Dutch, Swedish, and Portuguese. Since Portuguese is divided into male and female words, there are 9 types of designs in 8 languages in total. Heart-shaped design Have you ever forgotten to say thank you when someone … Read More


Heart shaped Thank you in some languages tags

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A simple way to say thank you. There are several different languages of the same type. Other languages(Spanish, French, German, Japanese Hiragana, Dutch, Swedish, and Portuguese), text colors (black and brown) are hidden, you can be personalize. Heart shaped Thank you in some languages favor tags How to personalize your design Access the site … Read More

Abusive language in Kanji [in Stock]


Bad words in various ways. And that word. Spooky things. Japan call “A kko zo gon”.


[Kanji] Miso soup (polite language) T-Shirts

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It is a word that carefully expresses miso soup, which is a staple of Japanese food. It has been used by women since ancient times as a wife’s word. Japanese says “O Mi O Tsuke”. [Kanji] Miso soup (polite language) T-Shirt

[Kanji] Miso soup (polite language) T-Shirt

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One of the soups in Japanese cuisine, it is a soup-like dish made from soup stock seasoned with miso and foods such as vegetables, tofu, fu and seafood. Japanese says “O Mi O Tsuke”. [Kanji] Miso soup (polite language) T-Shirt

[Kanji] God polite language T-shirt

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[Kanji] God polite language T-shirt 1. any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force 2.the supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe Japanese calls Kami-sama.

[Kanji] Gods polite language T-shirt

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Japanese calls Kami-sama T-shirt. 1. any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force 2.the supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe. [Kanji] Gods (polite) T-Shirt

[Kanji] Abusive language Hoodie

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To say bad things in various ways. Also, that word. Swearing badly. Japanese says “A-Kko-Zo-Gon”. [Kanji] Abusive language Hoodie

[Kanji] Abusive language T-Shirt

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[Kanji] Abusive language T-Shirt To say bad things in various ways. Also, that word. Swearing badly. Japanese says “A-Kko-Zo-Gon”.

Thank you in Katakana and 4 langs as love shaped [in Stock]


This is a typographic work that expresses the feeling of “Thank you” in the form of English, German, Dutch, Portuguese and Japanese Katakana. The theme is “Heart of Gratitude”. Changes from the previous work The lines of “Thank You” in English are longer and more frequent to emphasize the heart shape. All other languages … Read More


Thank you in Hiragana and 4 langs as love shaped [in Stock]


Thank you is expressed in English, Spanish, French, Indian Hindi and Japanese Hiragana as a heart-shaped writing style. And theme is “Heart of Gratitude”. It corresponds to the Japanese honorific of gratitude, “Arigatou Gozaimasu”. The basic hiragana “arigatou” is shown here, but “gozaimasu” is added after it to show respect. This is the current … Read More


[Hiragana] Love shaped Thanks in Japanese & 5 langs tags

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Heart shaped Thanks in 6 languages tags It is one way to express gratitude for something you have done or received. You can then say “thanks” to the person you are thanking. There are four different languages of the same type. Other languages(French, Spanish, Deutsch, Portuguese female and Japanese Hiragana), text colors (white, red, … Read More

New years 25 congratulations and greetings [in Stock]


Handwritten and designed greetings for 25 types of New Year’s cards in Kanji. There are 2- and 4-character New Year’s greetings, which are words that are also used as 4-character phrases. (Some of them are not idioms and are not found in dictionaries.) Four-letter New Year’s greeting cards are considered to be used not … Read More


Many thanks in Hiragana & 3 langs as love shaped [in Stock]


Many thanks is expressed in English, French, German, and Japanese Hiragana as a heart-shaped writing style. And theme is “Heart of Gratitude”. The Japanese phrase “many thanks” is written in a modern way In Japanese, it is “Meccha Arigatou”. This is also written entirely in hiragana. “Arigatou” is equivalent to ‘Thanks’ in English, as … Read More


[Hiragana] Love shaped Many Thanks in Jpn & 3 langs tag

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Heart shaped Many Thanks in 4 languages tags It is one way to express gratitude for something you have done or received. You can then say “Many thanks” to the person you are thanking. There are four different languages of the same type. Other languages(French, Deutsch and Japanese Hiragana), text colors (white, red, blue … Read More

Thank you so much in Hiragana & 3 lang as ♡ [in Stock]


Thank you so much is expressed in English, Spanish, French, and Japanese in a heart-shaped writing style. The heart-shaped expression has many letters, so it is light-weight style and expressed in a 3D style with a bulging heart. And theme is “Heart of Gratitude”. About “Thank you so much” in Japanese The Japanese reading … Read More


[Hiragana] Love shaped Thank you so much in Jpn & 3 langs tags

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A simple way to say “thank you so much”. There are four different languages of the same type. Other languages(Spanish, French and Japanese Hiragana), text colors (white, red, blue and yellow) and background (marble stone, craft paper and red Japanese paper) are hidden, you can be personalize. Heart shaped Thank you so much in … Read More

[Kanji] justice Business Card

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In the broad sense, i.e., in the everyday meaning of the Japanese language, it means everything that is reasonable and right. It is applied to lawyers, police officers, military personnel, and other professions that uphold the rules and discipline of society. Japanese said Seigi. You can customize everything except the background. Please make it … Read More

Kilimanjaro in Kanji [in Stock]


Kilimanjaro is located in eastern Tanzania, and at 5,895 meters above sea level, it is the tallest mountain in the world as an independent peak not belonging to a mountain range. Kilimanjaro National Park, which includes Mt. Kilimanjaro, was registered as a World Natural Heritage site in 1987 in recognition of its beautiful mountain … Read More


whoop ass in Kanji [in Stock]


A word that describes a person’s character and predispositions in Kanji. A person who has a rough temperament and is violent in behavior. Because it is a classical expression, it is not used in modern colloquial language, but it is rarely seen in games and anime with a medieval worldview. Although this word has … Read More


Belgium in Kanji [in Stock]


A constitutional monarchy in northwestern Europe. It is bordered by the Netherlands to the north, Germany to the east, Luxembourg to the southeast, France to the south, and the North Sea to the west, forming a 65.5 km coastline against Great Britain. Nature in Belgium Topographically and geologically, the country is divided into three … Read More


Thailand in Kanji [in Stock]


Located in the central part of the Indochina Peninsula, it borders Myanmar, Malaysia, Cambodia and Laos. Bangkok is the capital and it is a constitutional monarchy headed by a king. The Thai make up about 85% of the population, but there are Chinese (10%) and Mon-Khmer minorities living in the mountainous areas. Buddhists are … Read More


mandala in Kanji [in Stock]


Mandala, which is said to have originated in ancient India, is said to have spread to Central Asia, China, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan, and there are various types. In Japan, it is often treated as a principal image in the form of a hanging scroll. There are many different ways of expression. Mandala … Read More


Sahara Desert in Kanji [in Stock]


The world’s largest desert that stretches across the northern part of the African Continent. The name Sahara itself means “wilderness” in Arabic. It occupies about one-third of the total area of ​​the African Continent. Most of it is rocky desert except for some dunes, and it is rich in underground resources such as oil, … Read More


Africa in Kanji [in Stock]


The continent of Africa is a vast continent with an area of ​​about 30,313,000 square kilometers (about 22.3% of the land of the earth), next to the continent of Eurasia and the (north-south) Americas. It is about 8000 kilometers, and the width of the east and west from 51 degrees east longitude to 17 … Read More


Japanese in Kanji [in Stock]


A language spoken by 120 million inhabitants of the Japanese archipelago. It is used almost as a single language in Japan. The Japanese vocabulary is divided into three types: Japanese, Chinese, and loanwords. The notation is very complicated, and sometimes Chinese characters, hiragana, katakana, etc. are mixed. The dialects differ significantly in terms of … Read More


congratuations on your wedding in Hiragana [in Stock]


An example of a wedding gift message that a close person wants to give when they get married. Written in the polite language of written hiragana. Japanese says “GoKekkon Omedeto gozaimasu”.


vanity in Kanji [in Stock]


Buddhist language. Everything has changed, and it is not a permanent residence. Everything in this world changes quickly and does not stay in the same state for a while. Especially the ephemeral nature of life. Don’t know when you will die. Japanese says “Mu Jou”.

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