Leader of a group of juvenile delinquents such as junior high and high school students. Officials of various priests other than the provisions of the decree, who are in charge of guarding the palace and who command a large number of subordinates. Japanese calls “Ban Cho”.

It is appointed by the Board of Directors, which makes management decisions on behalf of shareholders, and bears ultimate responsibility for corporate management policies. It is often the same as the chairman of the board of directors. Japan call “Sai ko kei ei seki nin sha”.

1. The head of a race, tribe, or ethnic group. 2. A term that refers to the founder of the Hebrews (ancient Israelites) in the Old Testament. Japanese said “Zoku cho”.

In Japan, the head of a city that is a local public entity. An executive body that represents and oversees the city. It is elected by the direct election of citizens. The term is four years. Japanese call “Shi cho”.

A person who organizes some committees and groups. Students who hold leadership positions in school classes. In Japan’s politics and society,Head of the National Assembly Committee. Japanese says “I in cho”.

The Representative Director supervises Directors’ performance of duties. Representative director is the position of the most senior executive in charge of managing a corporation which is registered in Japan. Japanese says “Dai Hyo Tori Shimari Yaku”.

A group leader is the head of an organizational unit called a group in an organization, a group, or a school. Position mainly used in companies, government offices, etc. 1. One of the middle managers of companies and corporations. It corresponds to the section chief or manager. 2. It is a leader of a … Read More

1 the leader of a group of people. 2 the head of a tribe or clan. 3 the head administrative officer of a college or university.Japan calls shu-seki.

An influential person who is one of the important restraints. A central figure who plays an important role in that direction. A person who plays an important role in a certain society / field. apanese says “Ju-chin”. colossus,titan, behemoth, heavyweight and giant.