ninja as tiny characters in Kanji [in Stock]
A ninja was a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan. The real Ninja is no there in Japan, in any-place, yet. Japanese says Shinobi, too.
A ninja was a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan. The real Ninja is no there in Japan, in any-place, yet. Japanese says Shinobi, too.
a class of 14th century Japanese who were trained in martial arts and were hired for espionage and assassinations. a member of the ninja who were trained in martial arts and hired for espionage or sabotage or assassinations. Japanese says Nin-Ja.
a member of the ninja who were trained in martial arts and hired for espionage or sabotage or assassinations. a class of 14th century Japanese who were trained in martial arts and were hired for espionage and assassinations. Japanese says Nin-Ja.
Those who used ninjutsu to infiltrate enemy territory and engaged in intelligence (spy) activities such as spying and disturbance. In particular, the Iga and Koka ninja organizations that were active mainly during the Warring States period are famous. However, the existence of a ninja is not well known because it was hidden in the … Read More
Design front Design back [Kanji] Zangyo Ninja T-Shirt Originally, the ninja was an officer soldier who served the lord, so there was no overtime. However, in modern times, covert action is possible, but murder is a crime. There is no lord. Ninjas also have to change their way of life. an official calligraphy
Design front Design back Originally, the ninja was an officer soldier who served the lord, so there was no overtime. However, in modern times, covert action is possible, but murder is a crime. There is no lord. Ninjas also have to change their way of life. an official calligraphy [Kanji] Zangyo Ninja Long sleeves … Read More
[Katakana] Ninja long sleeve T-Shirt a class of 14th century Japanese who were trained in martial arts and were hired for espionage and assassinations.
[Katakana] Ninja T-shirts a class of 14th century Japanese who were trained in martial arts and were hired for espionage and assassinations. It’s Ninja in Japanese Katakana language.
Design front Design back [Kanji] Zangyo Ninja Hoodie Originally, the ninja was an officer soldier who served the lord, so there was no overtime. However, in modern times, covert action is possible, but murder is a crime. There is no lord. Ninjas also have to change their way of life. an official calligraphy
a professional spy (in feudal Japan) highly trained in stealth and secrecy. [Kanji] Ninja Classic Round Sticker
[Kanji] Ninja as black characters Button Those who used ninjutsu to infiltrate enemy territory and engaged in intelligence (spy) activities such as spying and disturbance. In particular, the Iga and Koka ninja organizations that were active mainly during the Warring States period are famous. However, the existence of a ninja is not well known … Read More
[Kanji] Ninja as white characters pinback Button Those who used ninjutsu to infiltrate enemy territory and engaged in intelligence (spy) activities such as spying and disturbance. In particular, the Iga and Koka ninja organizations that were active mainly during the Warring States period are famous. However, the existence of a ninja is not well … Read More
[Kanji] Ninja long sleeves T-Shirt Ninjas are people who used ninjutsu to infiltrate enemy territory and engage in intelligence activities such as spy and disturbance. In particular, the Iga and Koka ninja organizations that were active mainly during the Warring States period are famous. However, the existence of a ninja is not well known … Read More
Ninjas are people who used ninjutsu to infiltrate enemy territory and engage in intelligence activities such as spy and disturbance. In particular, the Iga and Koka ninja organizations that were active mainly during the Warring States period are famous. However, the existence of a ninja is not well known because it was hidden in … Read More
[Kanji] Ninja Hoodie a professional spy (in feudal Japan) highly trained in stealth and secrecy.
[Kanji] Tiny red Ninja T-Shirt Japanese says “Nin Ja”. A Japanese secret agent in feudal times.
[Kanji] Tiny Ninja T-Shirt Japanese says “Nin Ja”. A Japanese secret agent in feudal times.
Japanese says “Nin Ja”. A Japanese secret agent in feudal times. [Kanji] Tiny Ninja T-Shirts
[Kanji] Ninja Sticker a professional spy (in feudal Japan) highly trained in stealth and secrecy.
a professional spy (in feudal Japan) highly trained in stealth and secrecy. [Kanji] Ninja Stickers
This is a typographic work that expresses the feeling of “Thank you” in the form of English, German, Dutch, Portuguese and Japanese Katakana. The theme is “Heart of Gratitude”. Changes from the previous work The lines of “Thank You” in English are longer and more frequent to emphasize the heart shape. All other languages … Read More
Thank you is expressed in English, Spanish, French, Indian Hindi and Japanese Hiragana as a heart-shaped writing style. And theme is “Heart of Gratitude”. It corresponds to the Japanese honorific of gratitude, “Arigatou Gozaimasu”. The basic hiragana “arigatou” is shown here, but “gozaimasu” is added after it to show respect. This is the current … Read More
Design Front Design Back The first and also the first in order or number The most excellent and also the most important A combination of games such as singing, Go, Sumo, Kendo, etc. A piece of chanting, Noh, song and dance, etc. This card is suitable for professions or companies that aim to be … Read More
Thanks is expressed in English, Dutch, Swedish, Portuguese (male), Japanese Katakana and Indian Hindi as a heart-shaped writing style. And theme is “Heart of Gratitude”. The Japanese phrase “thanks” is written in a basic form. This Japanese phrase “arigatou” is the basic form of the word “thanks”. Although there are ways to write it … Read More
Thanks is expressed in English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese and Japanese Hiragana as a heart-shaped writing style. And theme is “Heart of Gratitude”. The Japanese phrase “thanks” is written in a basic form. This Japanese phrase “arigatou” is the basic form of the word “thanks”. Although there are ways to write it that include … Read More
Heart shaped Thanks in 6 languages tags It is one way to express gratitude for something you have done or received. You can then say “thanks” to the person you are thanking. There are four different languages of the same type. Other languages(French, Spanish, Deutsch, Portuguese female and Japanese Hiragana), text colors (white, red, … Read More
Heart shaped Many Thanks in 4 languages tags It is one way to express gratitude for something you have done or received. You can then say “Many thanks” to the person you are thanking. There are four different languages of the same type. Other languages(French, Deutsch and Japanese Hiragana), text colors (white, red, blue … Read More
A simple way to say “thank you so much”. There are four different languages of the same type. Other languages(Spanish, French and Japanese Hiragana), text colors (white, red, blue and yellow) and background (marble stone, craft paper and red Japanese paper) are hidden, you can be personalize. Heart shaped Thank you so much in … Read More
A simple way to say thank you. There are several different languages of the same type. Other languages(Spanish, French, German, Japanese Hiragana, Dutch, Swedish, and Portuguese), text colors (black and brown) are hidden, you can be personalize. Heart shaped Thank you in some languages favor tags How to personalize your design Access the site … Read More
Japan brushed difficult old Kanji numeral with rounds (black face) Watch This watch is made of black Japanese paper with Kanji character written within a double circle. All stains within the inner circle indicate the position of the minute hand. The smaller circle has been slightly shifted downwards on a dare so that the … Read More