Seattle in Kanji [in Stock]


The largest city in the United States, located on the eastern shore of the Puget Sound in Midwest Washington. In addition to serving as a center of commerce, industry and transportation in the Pacific Northwest region, it also serves as the cultural leader of the state. Blessed with good harbors, it has a strong … Read More


priority seating in Kanji [in Stock]


It is a seat that gives priority to or encourages the elderly, disabled, poorly ill, pregnant women, and families with infants (including strollers) installed in railroad cars and buses. Japanese says “yu sen seki”.


the four seasons in Kanji [in Stock]


spring, summer, autumn(fall) and winter. Japanese says “Syun ka syu tou”.


Mozuku seaweed vinegar in Kanji [in Stock]


Japanese calls “Mo Zuku Su”. a seaweed of the family Spermatochnaceae, considered a delicacy when seasoned with vinegar.


deep-seated grudge in Kanji [in Stock]


1. a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation. 2. feeling a need to see others suffer. Japanese calls “On nen”.


search results in Kanji [in Stock]


It is a Web page displaying information displayed as a search result when a search is performed by a Web search engine, or information displayed as a search result. Japanese says “Ken saku ke kka”.

[Kanji] the four seasons T-shirt

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[Kanji] the four seasons T-shirt It means spring, summer, autumn, and winter. In turn, it may refer to a year. Since the four seasons are clear in Japan, each season has its own distinctive features and beauty. Japanese says shun-ka-shu-tou.

[Kanji] priority seat Sleeveless Shirt

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[Kanji] priority seat Sleeveless Shirt priority seat for the use of the disabled, young children, the elderly, pregnant women. Japanese says yu-sen-seki.

[Kanji] priority seat Hoodie

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[Kanji] priority seat Hoodie priority seat for the use of the disabled, young children, the elderly, pregnant women. Japanese says yu-sen-seki.

[Kanji] the four seasons Long sleeves T-shirt

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It means spring, summer, autumn, and winter. In turn, it may refer to a year. Since the four seasons are clear in Japan, each season has its own distinctive features and beauty. Japanese says syun-ka-syu-tou. [Kanji] the four seasons Long sleeves T-shirt

[Kanji] search results T-shirt

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[Kanji] search results T-shirt It is the information displayed as a search result when a search is performed by a search engine, or the Web page displaying the information displayed as a search result. Most of the pages you see in Google search results aren’t manually registered, but are automatically added by web crawlers … Read More

[Kanji] search results Hoodie

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[Kanji] search results Hoodie It is the information displayed as a search result when a search is performed by a search engine, or the Web page displaying the information displayed as a search result. Most of the pages you see in Google search results aren’t manually registered, but are automatically added by web crawlers … Read More

[Kanji] Mozuku seaweed vinegar T-Shirt

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[Kanji] Mozuku seaweed vinegar T-Shirt It is said that eating this will help recover from fatigue and prevent body odor. Japanese calls Mo-Zuku-Su.

[Kanji] Mozuku seaweed vinegar Hooded Pullover

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[Kanji] Mozuku seaweed vinegar Hoodie It is said that eating this will help recover from fatigue and prevent body odor. Japanese calls Mo-Zuku-Su.

[Kanji] Seattle T-Shirt

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The largest city in the Midwestern United States, on the eastern coast of the Puget Strait. A key point of transportation. At the center of commerce and industry, industries such as aircraft, food processing, shipbuilding, and lumber are carried out. Developed in the Alaskan gold rush. Industries such as aircraft, shipbuilding, and electronics are … Read More

[Kanji] Seattle Hoodie

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[Kanji] Seattle Hoodie The largest city in the Midwestern United States, on the eastern coast of the Puget Strait. A key point of transportation. At the center of commerce and industry, industries such as aircraft, food processing, shipbuilding, and lumber are carried out. Developed in the Alaskan gold rush. Industries such as aircraft, shipbuilding, … Read More

[Kanji] deep‐seated grudge T-shirt

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Envious feelings. Feelings of envy. Strong revenge. strong enough to justify retaliation. feeling a need to see others suffer. Japanese calls On-Nen. [Kanji] deep‐seated grudge T-shirt

[Kanji] deep‐seated grudge Hoodie

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[Kanji] deep‐seated grudge Hoodie Envious feelings. Feelings of envy. Strong revenge. strong enough to justify retaliation. feeling a need to see others suffer. Japanese calls On-Nen.

[Kanji] sea lion long sleeves T-Shirt

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[Kanji] sea lion long sleeves T-Shirt Often refers to California sea lions. Marine mammals of the Carnivora seal family. Males are 2.2m long and females are 1.6m long. Mainly the American coast of the North Pacific Ocean and the Galapagos Islands, and once in Japan, the subspecies Japanese sea lion was widely distributed from … Read More

[Kanji] sea lion T-Shirt

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Often refers to California sea lions. Marine mammals of the Carnivora seal family. Males are 2.2m long and females are 1.6m long. Mainly the American coast of the North Pacific Ocean and the Galapagos Islands, and once in Japan, the subspecies Japanese sea lion was widely distributed from the Kuril Islands to the Izu … Read More

Thank you in Katakana and 4 langs as love shaped [in Stock]


This is a typographic work that expresses the feeling of “Thank you” in the form of English, German, Dutch, Portuguese and Japanese Katakana. The theme is “Heart of Gratitude”. Changes from the previous work The lines of “Thank You” in English are longer and more frequent to emphasize the heart shape. All other languages … Read More


New years 25 congratulations and greetings [in Stock]


Handwritten and designed greetings for 25 types of New Year’s cards in Kanji. There are 2- and 4-character New Year’s greetings, which are words that are also used as 4-character phrases. (Some of them are not idioms and are not found in dictionaries.) Four-letter New Year’s greeting cards are considered to be used not … Read More


Happy new year as polite words in Hiragana [in Stock]


Here is an example of a New Year’s greeting. It is written in hiragana. The translation is a statement of joy for the arrival of the New Year and celebration of it. This is written in honorifics, so it is valid not only for friends but also for close elders. There is a manner … Read More


Japanese and Asian flowers ring with gold Mizuhiki [in Stock]


Flowers of the four seasons in Japan are depicted in a Yuzen style ring and wrapped with Mizuhiki, which is meant to be elegant and prestigious. This Mizuhiki is in the shape of a “Kemomimi”. What’s Yuzen Yuzen is an abbreviation for yuzen dyeing, a traditional technique for dyeing kimonos, and dyed kimonos are … Read More


[Kanji] free amount Hoodie

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Japanese said Muryo in Kanji, Tada in Katakana and Hiragana. All same mean for price of free and free amount. Note: The letters themselves are free, not the hoodie itself. However, you can download some Japanese letters and Japanese-style content drawn by professionals on this site for free. Please click on the related stock … Read More

Kilimanjaro in Kanji [in Stock]


Kilimanjaro is located in eastern Tanzania, and at 5,895 meters above sea level, it is the tallest mountain in the world as an independent peak not belonging to a mountain range. Kilimanjaro National Park, which includes Mt. Kilimanjaro, was registered as a World Natural Heritage site in 1987 in recognition of its beautiful mountain … Read More


Coffee in Kanji [in Stock]


It is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It has a distinctive aroma and pleasant bitterness. Because it contains caffeine, it has a stimulant effect on the nerves. Coffee was first used as a beverage around the 6th century. Initially, coffee was popular among Arabian Muslims as a medicine to improve … Read More


Turmeric in Kanji [in Stock]


Turmeric is a member of the ginger family. It is characterized by its fragrance, bitterness, and golden color, and is used by drying its roots and stems. Besides being used as a spice in curry, it is widely used as a dye for cloth, mustard, cheese, and other food coloring. Turmeric” loved all over … Read More


Heart shaped thank you so much in Kanji [in Stock]


Since gratitude is something that is felt with the heart (although some say it is conveyed as a will to the head), the design is a heart-shaped version of the kanji character for gratitude. What is gratitude? Gratitude is an emotion that we feel when we recognize that we have obtained some good result, … Read More


[Kanji] Yukata T-Shirt

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A Japanese kimono worn mainly during the summer season and for casual wear. A long, single-layered kimono made of cotton yukata fabric. It is worn as a summer garment for relaxing after taking a bath at home, summer festivals, fairs, Bon dances, evening cool-downs, and so on. [Kanji] Yukata T-Shirt

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