Basketball team in Kanji [in Stock]


Club activities to play basketball. It mainly refers to friends who play the same basketball at schools, clubs, and communities. Even in athletics, where there are many individual sports, if it is a group, it is called with a “Bu”. Japanese calls “Ro kyu Bu”.


Baseball team in Kanji [in Stock]


A team that aims to improve group activities and skills by playing baseball at schools. Japanese says ya-kyu-bu.


volleyball team in Kanji [in Stock]


One of the ball games. A team of six or nine teams, each on either side of the court, bordering the net, handing over a large ball by hand.


football team in Kanji [in Stock]


Another name for Association Football. Competition divided into two groups of eleven individuals, except for the goalkeeper, putting the ball on the enemy’s goal without touching the ball. A team that performs the competition. Japanese says shu-kyu-bu.


tennis team in Kanji [in Stock]


A ball game where two or two players play a ball with a racket over the net. It is a game adopted at the Olympics and Paralympics, and is widely known regardless of age, gender, or physical personality. The group of sports. Japan calls “Tei kyu bu” or “tennis bu”.


table tennis team in Kanji [in Stock]


Table tennis is a highly competitive sport that is adopted by the official Olympic Games, while everyone is friendly. A group that plays the sport. Table tennis is adopted as a formal Olympic Games. Japanese says “Ta kyu bu”.


[Kanji] football team T-Shirt

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Design Front * The English text is a sample Design Back * The English text is a sample [Kanji] football team T-shirt Club activities aimed at playing soccer (Association football) . Soccer is one of the sports competitions in which one team is played by a total of two teams of 11 people using … Read More

[Kanji] volleyball team T-Shirt

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Design Front * The English text is a sample Design Back * The English text is a sample [Kanji] volleyball team T-Shirt A ball game in which two opposing teams compete for points by striking each other across the net so as not to drop the ball on the floor. A group that studies … Read More

[Kanji] Tennis Team T-Shirt

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Design front * The English text is a sample Design back * The English text is a sample [Kanji] Tennis Team T-Shirt A type of ball game in which the center of a rectangular court is divided by a net, and the players facing each other across the net hit the ball alternately with … Read More

[Kanji] Table Tennis team T-Shirt

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Front design Back design A sport in which you pass through the center of a rectangular table with a net and face each other, hitting celluloid or plastic balls, competing for points, and competing for victory or defeat. Formally, it is called table tennis, and it is also known as ping pong. A group … Read More

[Kanji] Yacht team T-Shirt

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Design front * The English text is a sample Design Back * The English text is a sample [Kanji] yacht team T-Shirt A competition in which a yacht sails on a set course and competes for the required time. The competition team group. Japanese says “kai soku sen bu”. * The English text below … Read More

[Kanji] Tennis team as black letters T-Shirt

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design front *The English text is a sample design back *The English text is a sample A type of ball game in which the center of a rectangular court is divided by a net, and the players facing each other across the net hit the ball alternately with a racket. Initially, it was called … Read More

[Kanji] baseball team Raglan T-shirt

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design Front * The English text is a sample design Back * The English text is a sample [Kanji] baseball team Raglan T-shirt One of the ball games in group athletics. It is divided into 2 teams of 9 people each, and it is characterized by repeating attack and defense alternately. First, the batter … Read More

[Kanji] Volleyball team as black letters T-Shirt

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Design Front * The English text is a sample Design Back * The English text is a sample

[Kanji] Basketball team T-Shirt

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Design Front * The English text is a sample Design Back * The English text is a sample [Kanji] basketball team T-Shirt A game in which two teams of five players each compete for one ball within a specified time and throw it into the basket of the other team to compete for points. … Read More

[Kanji] baseball team T-Shirt

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design Front * The English text is a sample design Back * The English text is a sample One of the ball games in group athletics. It is divided into 2 teams of 9 people each, and it is characterized by repeating attack and defense alternately. First, the batter on the attacking side hits … Read More

[Kanji] football team (black letters) T-shirt

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design Front design Back Club activities aimed at playing soccer (Association football) . Soccer is one of the sports competitions in which one team is played by a total of two teams of 11 people using a round sphere. Japanese says “shu kyu bu”. [Kanji] football team T-shirts

[Kanji] Table Tennis team as black letters T-Shirt

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Design front * The English text is a sample Design back * The English text is a sample [Kanji] swimming club T-Shirt A sport in which you pass through the center of a rectangular table with a net and face each other, hitting celluloid or plastic balls, competing for points, and competing for victory … Read More

[Kanji] Yacht team Hoodie

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Design front * The English text is a sample Design Back * The English text is a sample A competition in which a yacht sails on a set course and competes for the required time. The competition team group. Japanese says “kai soku sen bu”. * The English text below the Yacht team is … Read More

[Kanji] basketball team (black letters) T-Shirt

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design Front * The English text is a sample design Back * The English text is a sample A game in which two teams of five players each compete for one ball within a specified time and throw it into the basket of the other team to compete for points. And this competition team. … Read More

Yukata in Kanji [in Stock]


Yukata was originally used by aristocrats in the Heian period (794-1185) when they entered steam baths, to avoid burns from the steam. The yukata is said to have originated in the Heian period, when aristocrats wore “yukatabira” made of hemp to prevent burns from the steam. As time went by, the yukata became the … Read More


dodgeball in Kanji [in Stock]


A kind of ball game. Two teams of the same number of players are divided into courts (square or circular) with a line drawn in the middle and enter each other and hit each other with balls (about 20 to 30 cm in diameter). If a player is hit by a ball or fails … Read More


I love Ohtani as red letters T-Shirt

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I and Ohtani in Japanese Kanji. And Something is written on the heart, but it is the love of Kanji characters. It’s design back both. “I love Ohtani-san” in Japanese Hiragana and Katakana as small letters, you can custom letters. I love Ohtani as red letters T-Shirt

charcoal grilled in Kanji [in Stock]


A dish in which the ingredients are grilled over an open flame using charcoal fire that was created using charcoal as fuel. Charcoal fire emits far infrared rays four times as much as gas, and radiant heat directly burns ingredients. In the case of gas containing hydrogen, it generates water vapor. Charcoal, on the … Read More


baseball in Kanji [in Stock]


A competition in which two teams of nine people alternately attack and defend using equipment such as balls, bats, and gloves, and compete for the total score in the normal nine innings (one point when turning four bases). It has spread to the United States, Japan and other East Asian countries, Cuba and other … Read More


fast sailing ship in Kanji [in Stock]


A competition team group. A competition in which a yacht sails on a set course and competes for the required time. Japanese says “Kai soku sen bu”.


I love Ohtani as white letters T-Shirt

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I love Ohtani as white letters T-Shirt I and Ohtani in Japanese Kanji. And Something is written on the heart, but it is the love of Kanji characters. It’s design back both. “I love Ohtani-san” in Japanese Hiragana and Katakana as small letters, you can custom letters.

basketball in Kanji [in Stock]


A ball game in which two teams of five each throw the ball into the opponent’s basket in the court and compete for points. Also, the ball used for this competition. It’s calls “Ro kyu” in Japanese. The first letter means basket.


Miso Soy paste in Kanji [in Stock]


1. One of the Japanese style seasonings. Steamed soybeans, fermented by adding salt and koji. 2. Something similar to miso in color and condition in the shells of crabs and shrimps. 3. Proud advantages. A point where the ideas and ideas were broken.


Kamikaze in Kanji wrote by vertically [in Stock]


1. Wind that blows down with the power of God. A storm that overturned a former ship at the time of Genko. 2. Special attack party. An attack corps formed by the Great Japanese Imperial Navy in World War II, consisting of an attack corps and a team directly responsible for asylum and confirmation … Read More

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