Access to famous landmark in Tokyo - Zangyo-Ninja

This work is a brush-style work of the lines (train and subway) to the famous landmarks of Tokyo. There are so many lines in Tokyo. The routes and transfer stations for going to the landmarks are listed. The file(vector ai file)is divided into layers by line, station name and station number for each layer. … Read More

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Roppongi in Hiragana - Zangyo-Ninja

A district in the northern part of Minato-ku, Tokyo. In the Edo period, there were six daimyo (Uesugi, Kutsuki, Takagi, Aoki, Kabane, Ichiyanagi) Nakayashiki, and it is said that the place names are derived from the fact that the surnames of the six daimyo are all related to trees. It is also said that … Read More

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Tokyo metropolitan in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

the capital and largest city of Japan. east(東) capital(京). The capital of Japan, which occupies the southwestern part of the Kanto region. Renamed Edo to Tokyo during the Meiji Restoration. In 1889, the city of Tokyo became Tokyo City in the 15th ward, and after the Great Kanto Earthquake, the adjacent 5 counties were … Read More

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Roppongi in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

The name of a town in central Minato-ku, Tokyo. In a narrow sense, it refers to the area around the intersection of Aoyama-dori and Gaien Ura-dori. The area used to be a high-class residential area with foreign diplomatic missions, but after the war, restaurants, nightclubs, and various specialty stores were concentrated and became a … Read More

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