Pomegranate in Kanji [in Stock]


large globular fruit having many seeds with juicy red pulp in a tough brownish-red rind. Japanese says Zakuro. It has long been called “women’s fruit” and is said to be effective for beauty and health. Because the seeds are tightly packed inside the fruit, it has been considered a symbol of “fertility” and “prosperity … Read More


The other world in Kanji [in Stock]


underworld, hades, netherworld, infernal region, scheol, hell. Japanese says “Mei do”.


[Kanji] the other world long sleeves T-Shirt

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The path that the souls of the dead follow after death. The wandering world of the dead. It mainly refers to the three evil roads of hell, hunger, and brute. underworld, hades, netherworld, infernal region, scheol, hell. Japanese calls “Mei Do”. [Kanji] the other world long sleeves T-Shirt

[Kanji] the other world T-Shirt

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[Kanji] the other world T-Shirt underworld, hades, netherworld, infernal region, scheol, hell. The path that the souls of the dead follow after death. The wandering world of the dead. It mainly refers to the three evil roads of hell, hunger, and brute. Japanese says “Mei Do”.