Nagasaki as a place name Nagasaki City is a city located in the southwestern part of Nagasaki Prefecture. It is also the prefectural capital and largest city of Nagasaki Prefecture, and is designated as a core city. During the Edo period, when the country was isolated, it was a port town with Dejima, the … Read More

The meaning of the first element in the series that can be counted. Number one. The first or highest in order or sequence. The beginning of the order and the top of the order. It is also used to mean the most. Japanese said “Ichi ban” as bold style in kanji. Click here for … Read More

The New York city in Japanese Kanji letters. “紐約” is in Chinese Kanji. It is a formal Japanese Kanji character that is also in the dictionary. It’s a colloquial Chinese character, but it’s unclear why “紐(string)” and “育(growing up)” became New York.

There is no price for goods or services. It’s Free written vertical in Japanese Katakana. Free written horizon in Japanese Kanji. Free written vertical in Japanese Hiragana. Hiragana and katakana are colloquial translations of Kanji, so the meaning may not be understood depending on what is written. Japanese called “tada” in Japanese katakana and … Read More

This work is a brush-style work of the lines (train and subway) to the famous landmarks of Tokyo. There are so many lines in Tokyo. The routes and transfer stations for going to the landmarks are listed. The file(vector ai file)is divided into layers by line, station name and station number for each layer. … Read More

The highest peak in the world in the Himalayas bordering the Chinese border in eastern Nepal. Altitude 8848m (There are other theories such as 8882, 8842, 8840m). In Tibetan, it is called Mt. Everest, and even in Japanese kanji, it is written as shown in the image above and read the same. The meaning … Read More

United States state. The Hawaiian Islands, which float almost in the center of the North Pacific Ocean, consist of eight major islands and 124 small islands. Also known as “Aloha Island”. Hawaii’s natural environment A part of the ridge created by the crustal movement that runs north and south from Aleutian to Australia in … Read More

The southernmost prefecture in Japan. The Ryukyu Islands stretch over 1200 km from the southern tip of Kyushu to the northeastern tip of Taiwan. 1879 Becomes Okinawa Prefecture. After becoming Okinawa Prefecture, all leaders including the governor and the leaders of the prefectural office were dispatched from the mainland, and Japanification was rapidly promoted, … Read More

1. Around the night light. When the eastern sky begins to whiten. the first light of day. 2. When a certain thing is realized and completed.

Salmonid fish. It reaches a total length of about 1 meter. The body is a slightly elongated spindle shape. There is a greasy fin. The body color is blue-gray on the back and silvery white on the abdomen, but during the breeding season, the dorsal and lateral parts of the body turn dark green-brown, … Read More

The beginning and end of things. alpha and omega. A to Z. Japanese says “A un”. The first letter of Japanese Hiragana A (あ) and last Nn (ん) to Kanji. It is an old word.

A dish in which the ingredients are grilled over an open flame using charcoal fire that was created using charcoal as fuel. Charcoal fire emits far infrared rays four times as much as gas, and radiant heat directly burns ingredients. In the case of gas containing hydrogen, it generates water vapor. Charcoal, on the … Read More