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1. Around the night light. When the eastern sky begins to whiten. the first light of day. 2. When a certain thing is realized and completed.
1. It is clear without a little cloud. 2. There is no doubt or anxiety, and feeling is clear. Japan call “Ni hon bare”.
1. The darkest days before the rising sun. In the old days, it is the time from half past to half of the night. dawn, daybreak. 2. Clearly understand.
storm, tempest. a violent weather condition with winds. a localized and violently destructive windstorm occurring over land characterized.
moderate weather. Japanese says Nippon-bare, Nihon-bare. The sky is clear without a single cloud. Feelings are clear and refreshing.
a localized and violently destructive windstorm occurring over land characterized by a funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground. Japanese says Tatsu-maki.