Syria in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A republic in western Asia. The official name is Al-Jumhurīya al-‘Arabīya as-Sūrīya, Syrian Arab Republic. It borders Turkey to the north, Iraq, Jordan and Israel to the east and south, and the Mediterranean Sea and Lebanon to the west. The northwestern part has a Mediterranean climate, with narrow coastal plains and small mountains running … Read More

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Iraq in Kanji wrote by vertically - Zangyo-Ninja

Republic in West Asia. The northeastern mountainous area occupies the plains of the Tigris and Euphrates river basins, and is the birthplace of the Mesopotamia civilization. There is much oil production. It is said to be the birthplace of farming culture.

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Armenia in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

West Asia, an inland country located in the southern part of the Caucasus Mountains. Republic. The west has a border with Turkey. Produces cotton, grapes and cognac.

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Lebanon in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Lebanon (الجمهوريّة اللبنانيّة), officially known as the Lebanese Republic, is a country in Western Asia. It is bordered by Syria to the north and east and Israel to the south, while Cyprus is west across the Mediterranean Sea.

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Oman in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

An emirate facing the southeastern Arabian Peninsula, the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea. The Sied ruled since 1744. The Oman Bay coast in the northeast is a narrow coastal plain, and the Afdal Mountains run from the northwest to the southeast in the south. There are many deserts in the western and … Read More

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Bahrain in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A small island country blessed with a relatively mild climate, floating in the Arabian Gulf. There are 33 islands, including Bahrain, where the capital is Manama, and the main islands are connected by bridges. The northern area is covered with rich greenery and fruits are grown, and Bahrain is the basis of the argument … Read More

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