Japan calls “Warabi mochi”. Warabi is edible Pteridium, Pteridium herb and Bracken in Japan. Warabimochi is a jelly-like confection made from bracken starch and covered or dipped in kinako.

Soymilk is made by crushing soybeans soaked in water and simmering them with a cloth to make soymilk, and then adding bittern to the bittern to harden it. One of the typical Japanese foods, it is a soft white food made by solidifying soybean protein. Depending on the manufacturing method, it can be divided … Read More

A republic located in the northeastern part of the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe. Facing the Adriatic Sea. The official name is the Republic of Croatia. In Croatian, it is called Fulvacka Hrvatska. It was one of the six republics that constituted the Yugoslav Socialist Federal Republic (formerly Yugoslavia), but declared independence in June … Read More

Total length about 1m. The body is gray or grayish white, with dark, pale, pale mottles. The chest is darker than the body color. The head is large, wide and flat. The tail is thin and short. Have a rooster, shake it to attract small fish and eat. It is served for cooking in … Read More

Japanese noodles, processed using buckwheat flour made from grain buckwheat raw material, and dishes using it. Japanese says “Soba”.

1. surpassing what is common or usual or expected. 2. being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected. 3. having a specific function or scope. 4. unique or specific to a person or thing or category. 5. deviating widely from a norm of physical or mental ability. 6. beyond what is ordinary or usual. … Read More

moderate weather. Japanese says Nippon-bare, Nihon-bare. The sky is clear without a single cloud. Feelings are clear and refreshing.

in medicine, the swelling of the penis with blood, causing it to become firm. an erect penis. Japanese says Bokki.

One of the most important seasonings in Japan, unique to Japan. Soy sauce koji made from soybeans and wheat is prepared by adding a concentrated salt solution and squeezed and fermented for about one year. Japanese says Sho-yu, Shou-yu. It is an essential seasoning for Japanese people When you get off at an overseas … Read More