canned crab in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Canned crab meat boiled in water. While there are hundreds of yen (2 ~ 3 dollars) that you can see at supermarkets, there are also high-priced cans that cost 10,000 yen (100 dollars) per can. Japanese says Kani-kan.

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big dick in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja
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oiran in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money. A high-class prostitute. The oiran-class courtesans were considered to be superior to their customers.

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succer in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

a football game in which two teams of 11 players try to kick or head a ball into the opponents’ goal. football. Japanese says shu-kyu in the past.

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Top of the universe in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Japanese calls U-chu-ichi. The first two kanji characters represent the universe, and the last one means “top, first” and so on. If you write the kanji character “一” at the end, most words will be number one. Add “一” to the end of words that describe regions or ranges. For example, if you write … Read More

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Ramen in kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A food that is similar to Chinese noodle dishes but has been transformed uniquely in Japan. Many shops offering tonkotsu ramen (noodle with a thick broth made from boiling pork bones) including Hakata ramen shops prepare takanazuke stir-fried in oil with red pepper to top ramen with.

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giraffe in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

A horse that can ride 1000 Ri (2440 Mile) in a day. (creature of fancy) The tallest living quadruped all of the world. Japanese says Ki-rin

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gold in kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Element with atomic number 79. Periodic Table Group 11 transition elements. Atomic weight 196.96655 (2). Stable isotopes with a mass number of 197 (100%) and radioactive isotopes ranging from 169 to 205 are known. Gold is the oldest metal used by humankind, and gold instruments have been found in Egyptian ruins in B.C. 5000. … Read More

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Trick or treat if brat says in Kanji and Hiragana - Zangyo-Ninja

If Japanese unruly kid says “Trick or Treat” at Halloween in Japanese. There is no corrective words in Japan. “take a trick or give me candy (sweets), you choose ” in literal translation.

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evil spirits residing in forests, mountain in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Japanese calls Chi-Mi-Mo-Ryo. evil spirits of mountains and rivers. it’s a monsters. There is a theory It depends on the book, but “CHI” is the god of the mountain, “MI” is the monster, and “Moryo” is the god of water.

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