An unsatisfactory sigh when you are in very troubled or extremely painful. It also refers to the state at such time. When you have a lot of hard work and hard work, you are exhausted from your body and mind, and you have a hard time breathing. Japan call “Ai iro to iki”.
1. Wind that blows down with the power of God. A storm that overturned a former ship at the time of Genko. 2. Special attack party. An attack corps formed by the Great Japanese Imperial Navy in World War II, consisting of an attack corps and a team directly responsible for asylum and confirmation … Read More
1. Incorrect. not good. Immorality. Also, be against the law. 2. ugly. unpleasant. Discordant. Inappropriate. In a general sense, it is the opposite or lack of good. It can be a very broad concept, but in everyday use it often expresses deep wickedness in a narrower range. The word “悪” in Japanese was originally … Read More