crazy in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Read as Kichigai, this reading has two meanings. 1. To be in an unusual state of mind, to speak or act in a manner that is not normal. To lose one’s mind. 2. To be abnormally absorbed in one thing. Also, the person. Mania. This is a coined kanji character It reads “Kichigai,” originally … Read More

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Extremely large penis in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

It is two horizontal lines with a total of four kanji characters. The top line is a Kanji character meaning extremely large, and the bottom line is slang for penis. The bottom line reads “Mala” in Japanese The etymology of the word is “something that hinders Buddhist practice and deceives the human mind.” and … Read More

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Real satisfied life in Katakana and Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Net slang refers to people who have a fulfilling real life. The word itself was coined to be widely recognized by 2channel around 2005, and to masochistically express that the real life is not fulfilling for those who are immersed in the community on the Internet. For those who live a comfortable online life … Read More

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mean fellow in Katakana and Hiragana - Zangyo-Ninja

A person who is low-hearted. A low-ranking person. Because it is a slang term, it is not used in clever places such as business. Japan call “Ge su i” in Katakana and Hiragana.

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beans in Kanji and Hiragana - Zangyo-Ninja

1. Seeds of leguminous plants. In particular, it sometimes refers to soybeans. 2. Small in shape. 3. Clitoris (slang) It is polite word, Japan calls “O mame” in Japanese Hiragana and Kanji.

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very angry in Kanji and Hiragana - Zangyo-Ninja

This is a coined word that has become popular among young people in Japan in recent years. This mean very angry, I’m so angry in combined Japanese Kanji and Hiragana. Japanese calls “Geki o ko pu n pu n maru”.

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angry in Kanji and Hiragana - Zangyo-Ninja

This mean angry, I’m angry. This is a coined word that has become popular among young people in Japan in recent years. Japanese calls “Geki o ko”.

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folly in Katakana - Zangyo-Ninja

This is a word that speaks of stupid and slow people. In the words from “Otanchin”, the prostitutes were calling about bad customers. It seems that there are various reasons for having become an “Otankonasu”.

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kill in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

1. Deprive of life. 2. murder. Also, murder cases. Japanese says “Satsu”, “Sai”, “Setsu”.

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tiny breasts in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Women and their chests where chest swelling is not noticeable. It is often referred to as slang. Japan call “Hin nyu”.

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bitch in katakana - Zangyo-Ninja

1. female of any member of the dog family. 2. informal terms for objecting. 3. a person who is thoroughly disliked. 4. an unpleasant difficulty. It’s in Japanese Kata-kana.

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Shit in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

stool,dung,dropping,droppings,feces, excrement. a stupid foolish person. obscene terms for feces. fecal matter of animals. Japanese says Kuso, Fun, Baba.

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I want the mistress in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Japanese says “Ai Jin Bo Syu Chu”.

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slut, bimbo in Kanji - Zangyo-Ninja

Being sexually disturbed by wanting obscene deeds. A person who takes even immoral behavior for his own sexual desire (lust). It is more often used for women than men. However, in the classics, it is used to mean spending a degree. Japanese calls “In Ran”.

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