It is appointed by the Board of Directors, which makes management decisions on behalf of shareholders, and bears ultimate responsibility for corporate management policies. It is often the same as the chairman of the board of directors. Japan call “Sai ko kei ei seki nin sha”.

It is an assistant role of the team leader working together at the site. Japanese says “Fuku kakari cho”.

The role of managing and supervising the entire business of the company and assisting the company president. Japanese says “Sen mu”, Originally a “Sen mu tori shimari yaku”.

Manage and execute daily tasks and assist the company president. Japanese says “Jo mu”, Originally a “Jo mu tori shimari yaku”.

a person responsible for the unit of a business. In Japan, in general, the chief manager(head of unit) has a high position, the deputy manager(deputy head of unit) is next, and the deputy manager(head assistant of a unit) has a lower status than the deputy manager (deputy head of unit).

Japanese says “Fuku Sha Cho”. an executive vice officer of a firm or corporation. the vice leader of a group meeting.

That is the position to assist the section chief. Assistant of a section will assist you with the task of the section manager and prepare. Japanese says “Ka cho ho sa”

chief operating officer. the corporate executive responsible for the operations of the firm. Japan calls “Sai Ko Shi Ko Seki Nin Sha

A chief technical officer, is an executive-level position in a company or other entity whose occupant is focused on scientific and technological issues within an organization. Japanese says “Sai Ko Gi Jutsu Seki Nin Sha”.

Japanese says “Sha Cho”. an executive officer of a firm or corporation. the leader of a group meeting. In a Japanese company it is often concurrent with CEO.

A person responsible for the administration of a business. Usually in a Japanese company it will be classed above the section chief. next-in-command, Deputy National Director, Deputy Commissioner, Deputy Chief Memorial Affairs Director, Vice Director, Deputy Chief Benefits Director, deputy manager, Deputy Chief Medical Director, Deputy Director and etc. Japanese says “Ji Cho”.

A group leader is the head of an organizational unit called a group in an organization, a group, or a school. Position mainly used in companies, government offices, etc. 1. One of the middle managers of companies and corporations. It corresponds to the section chief or manager. 2. It is a leader of a … Read More

a designation that refers to the department of an organization such as a government agency or a company or the person in charge of a department as a division. Japanese says “Ka Cho”.

1 the leader of a group of people. 2 the head of a tribe or clan. 3 the head administrative officer of a college or university.Japan calls shu-seki.

CEO(chief executive officer) is at the top of executive officer system. the corporate executive responsible for the operations of the firm. japanese says Sai-ko-kei-ei-seki-nin-sya.