A parable of lavish pleasures and eateries filled with liquor and water like ponds and meat built like a tree-lined forest with lots of treats such as liquor and meat. Japanese says “Shu chi niku rin”.

Ⅰ. Any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force. Ⅱ. The supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe. Japanese says “Kami sama”.

It is an assistant role of the team leader working together at the site. Japanese says “Fuku kakari cho”.

The role of managing and supervising the entire business of the company and assisting the company president. Japanese says “Sen mu”, Originally a “Sen mu tori shimari yaku”.

Manage and execute daily tasks and assist the company president. Japanese says “Jo mu”, Originally a “Jo mu tori shimari yaku”.

In general, a female witchcraft who brings misfortune to others in a supernatural way. 1. A woman who acquired magic power in association with evil spirits in Europe’s secular beliefs. Because of its supernatural ability, he was considered to act wrongly to human beings and harm the church. 2. A devilish woman. 3. A … Read More

It is to be in the strongest state comparing with others and playing games. The strongest thing. The strongest. It is in a state of losing to nobody. Japanese says “sai kyo”.

A person who organizes some committees and groups. Students who hold leadership positions in school classes. In Japan’s politics and society,Head of the National Assembly Committee. Japanese says “I in cho”.

A Jewish religion that originates from the Hebrew Yahweh religion. It is a monotheistic religion that makes Yahweh the only absolute god, and yet Yahweh is a religion that is made from the covenant between God and men who elect Jews. Those who believe in that religion. Japanese says “Yudaya kyo to”.

1. In Buddhism, things that get away in the way of teaching and hindering training. The evil god Tenma, the phenomenon that occurs inside the mind, etc. 2. God who causes harm to people. In addition, working of that creepy power. 3. A person who adheres to something so unusually. Japanese says “Ma”.

A person who has a special ability to enable events that are impossible for ordinary human beings. A person who possesses a kind of paranormal phenomenon that cannot be explained or proved by the elucidated range of science. Japanese says “Cho no ryoku sha”.

1. A warriors on a horse. 2. The designation of warrior class in medieval Europe. Served lords and practiced chivalry through martial arts and disciplines. Japan call “Ki-Shi”.

A profession in the fantasy world that uses “summoning magic”, which summons demons and spirits from other worlds and uses them. Japan call “Sho Kan Shi”.

People with an inheritance born from the same parent. Also, as a result of marriage etc, those who became a relationship to call the same person as parent. Those who are not kinship brothers but have become promises and have a close relationship like brothers. Japanese says “Kyo dai”.

a person responsible for the unit of a business. In Japan, in general, the chief manager(head of unit) has a high position, the deputy manager(deputy head of unit) is next, and the deputy manager(head assistant of a unit) has a lower status than the deputy manager (deputy head of unit).

The Representative Director supervises Directors’ performance of duties. Representative director is the position of the most senior executive in charge of managing a corporation which is registered in Japan. Japanese says “Dai Hyo Tori Shimari Yaku”.

In general, vice chief of a department has lower status than chief of a department. And it is a higher position than chief assistant of a department. Japan call “Fuku bu cho”.

Since the assistant head assistant of a department is in charge of supporting the head of a department, it does not have the authority or authority of the head of a department. If head of a department is out of the office for external work, the main task is to control the inside of … Read More

1. In Japan, most departments placed in organizations such as government offices and companies generally consist of lower-level organizations such as departments, groups, and rooms. Often honored as a position with greater authority. 2. Head of the club team at school Japanese calls “Bu cho”.

1 my soup stock. 2 soup stock made from my body fluids. 3 Emphasize the words for own ( colloquially ). Japanese says “ore da shi”.

That the technology and ability are superior to others Becoming out of the way. Originally, it is a word that means “excellent” and “extraordinary”, and in particular, “sexual desire, sexual ability, and sexual endurance are extraordinarily strong.” Japanese says “zetsu rin”.

Japanese says “Se Kai To Itsu”. There are various interpretations, but the unification of the world disappears and it is elected as operation of the unified government from all over the world.

Japanese says “Tori Shimari Yaku”. someone who administers a business. member of a board of directors.

Japanese says “Mikado”, “Tei” and “Tai” by one letter. 1. The best ruler of the world. 2. Heavenly god.

One of the titles of the prince. In slang, dictatorial, high-pressure leaders and extremely talented athletes are sometimes called emperors. Japanese says “Ko tei”.

A ball game where two or two players play a ball with a racket over the net. It is a game adopted at the Olympics and Paralympics, and is widely known regardless of age, gender, or physical personality. The group of sports. Japan calls “Tei kyu bu” or “tennis bu”.

a Japanese translation for words that you are surprised when says “… my god”. There is no word such as Japanese, but they forced read ”Watashi No Kami”.

The village head of the local public organization. Village elder and representative. Responsible for the administration of the village. Japan calls “son-cyo” or “mura-osa”.

A delusion refers to building something that is not really in the brain and thinking as if it is actually. And I often roam the idea. People who frequently develop into behavior may be ill. Japanese says “Mo so heki”.

Japanese says “Fuku Sha Cho”. an executive vice officer of a firm or corporation. the vice leader of a group meeting.

By defeating all nations in the world by ability and dismantling and consolidating it, making the world and all human beings living there under his control. Most of the evil organizations and secret societies that appear in fiction works aim for this, but they are often thwarted by the heroes of justice. Japanese says … Read More