cf: the big hips, the large behind, the huge backside, the big buttocks, the large butt, the big bum. Japanese says Kyo-jiri.

An influential person who is one of the important restraints. A central figure who plays an important role in that direction. A person who plays an important role in a certain society / field. apanese says “Ju-chin”. colossus,titan, behemoth, heavyweight and giant.

CEO(chief executive officer) is at the top of executive officer system. the corporate executive responsible for the operations of the firm. japanese says Sai-ko-kei-ei-seki-nin-sya.

1. lovable especially in a childlike or naive way. 2. pleasing by delicacy or grace. 3. appealing to the emotions as well as the eye. Japanese says Kwaii

It is a once-in-a-lifetime encounter, meaning it will never happen again. “一期” means “lifetime” and “一会” means “one time encounter”. One of the terms describing the spirituality of the tea ceremony. I thought that today’s meeting would be a once-in-a-lifetime meeting, and I taught them that it is essential to interact with both the … Read More

1. Buddhist language. To convey enlightenment and truth that cannot be expressed in words from heart to heart. Mainly used by Zen families. 2. The hearts communicate with each other silently. Even if you don’t bother to explain it, you can communicate with the other person naturally. 3. A jargon for fellow students, which … Read More

1. a being of great strength and courage celebrated for bold exploits. 2. a man distinguished by exceptional courage and nobility and strength. Japanese says Ei-yu.

1. relatively long-bodied reptile with usually two pairs of legs and a tapering tail. 2. a man who idles about in the lounges of hotels and bars in search of women who would support him. Japanese says To-kage.

This is two means and to read. 1. Hage >> A bald spot, a bald head. 2. Kamuro >> Bobbed hair. It is a reading which Japanese people do not know very much.

(I’m, We are)looking for (a kooky, an eccentric person, an eccentric, an odd fellow, a queer fish a crank). Japanese says Hen-jin-bo-shu-chu.

a person you know well and regard with affection and trust. informal term for a friend of the same sex. Japanese says Tomo-dachi.

1. the chief executive of a republic. 2. the person who holds the office of head of state of the United States government. 3. the head administrative officer of a college or university. 4. For example, words of customers who are invited to a bar. Japanese says Dai-to-ryo.

used especially of persons. dependable, stalwart having rugged physical strength. a person who is loyal to their allegiance (especially in times of revolt). It’s sound likes Samurai. Japanese say Mo-sa.

1. A spiritual being placed between God and man in religion. A messenger of divine will. The English word “angel” is derived from the Greek word “angelos” (messenger). 2. An example of a person who is pure in heart and gentle in nature. 3. 1. Turning to the outward appearance, an expression used for … Read More

1. a person of subnormal intelligence. 2. a person who lacks good judgment. 3. the trait of acting stupidly or rashly. This is wrote by 馬(house) with 鹿(deer) in Japanese. Japanese says Ba-ka.

1. a general officer of the highest rank. 2. a hereditary military dictator of Japan. Japanese says Sho-gun.

a beast. an animal. a beast of a man. a living organism characterized by voluntary movement. Japanese says Kemono or Kedamono.

1. a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of 2. a person who lacks good judgment. 3. The fool (Tarot card) Japanese says Gu-sha.

Whereas His Majesty has by Order made on the 28th day of July, 1938, declared British India to be a convention country within the meaning of section 91A of the Patents And Designs Acts, 1907 to 1938, any person who has applied for protection for any invention or design in the United Kingdom, or … Read More

Top of someone who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without having a commission from any sovereign nation. Japanese says Kaizokuo.

1. a murderer (especially one who kills a prominent political figure) who kills by a surprise attack and often is hired to do the deed. 2. a member of a secret order of Muslims (founded in the 12th century) who terrorized and killed Christian Crusaders. 3. It does not necessarily mean a ninja. Japanese … Read More