[Kanji] the Rookie of the Year award. T-Shirts

The award given to writers, actors, singers, etc. in their first year of debut, who were most active in that year. Japanese says “Shin Jin Sho”. [Kanji] the Rookie of the Year award. T-Shirts

[Kanji] the Rookie of the Year award. T-Shirt

[Kanji] the Rookie of the Year award. T-Shirt The award given to writers, actors, singers, etc. in their first year of debut, who were most active in that year. Japanese says “Shin Jin Sho”.

Rookie of the year

This award is given to the artist, actor, singer, etc. who made the most debut in that year. Japanese says “Shin jin sho”. > Prizes kanji stock しんじんしょう 漢字