[Kanji] extremely (much and very) white letter Hoodie

[Kanji] extremely (much and very) white text Hoodie It becomes bald. Rough. It becomes fierce. On top of the conjunctive form of a verb, it is commonly used to indicate that the degree is tremendous. Japanese says “Geki”.

[Kanji] extremely (much and very) red letter T-Shirt

Japanese says “Geki”. On top of the conjunctive form of a verb, it is commonly used to indicate that the degree is tremendous. [Kanji] extremely (much and very) red letter T-Shirt

[Kanji] extremely (very and much) white letter T-Shirt

It is mean very or much include strength. Japanese says “Geki”. [Kanji] extremely (very and much) white letter T-Shirt

[Kanji] extremely (very and much) long sleeve T-Shirts

[Kanji] extremely (very and much) long sleeve T-Shirts On top of the conjunctive form of a verb, it is commonly used to indicate that the degree is tremendous. Japanese says Geki.

[Kanji] extremely (much and very) Hoodie

[Kanji] extremely (much and very) Hoodie Japanese says “Geki”. On top of the conjunctive form of a verb, it is commonly used to indicate that the degree is tremendous.