Love by thinly

Japanese calls Ai. 1. sexual activities between two people. 2. any object of warm affection or devotion. 3. a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction. 4. a strong positive emotion of regard and affection. 5. a beloved person. > Love in Japanese stock ラブ あい 漢字


It means that the living function has been irreversibly lost. The dormant state found in lower organisms and plant seeds is not death. Usually, certain cessation of physiological function or morphological change that occurs at the time of death of an individual is regarded as a sign of death. Japanese says “Shi”. > about … Read More


As a result of heavy physical and mental loads such as long hours of overtime work and continuous work without holidays, it is said to be killed by mental and physical fatigue. > Medical and Sickness stocks かろうし 漢字


> example product Japanese says “I Den Shi”. the functional and physical unit of heredity passed from parent to offspring. genes are pieces of dna, and most genes contain the information for making a specific protein. いでんし 漢字 遺伝子


A person someone has established a mutual connection withJapan calls Tomo-Dachi. Please check it out! Example Products 漢字 フレンド 友達 ともだち

Canned crab

Canned crab meat boiled in water. While there are hundreds of yen (2 ~ 3 dollars) that you can see at supermarkets, there are also high-priced cans that cost 10,000 yen (100 dollars) per can. Japanese says Kani-Kan. > foods and drinks stock かにかん 漢字 蟹缶


ears of corn that can be prepared and served for human food. tall annual cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears: widely cultivated in America in many varieties Japanese says Tomorokoshi and Tokibi. > vegetables stock とうもろこし コーン 玉蜀黍

[Kanji] eagle T-Shirt

[Kanji] eagle T-Shirt Japanese says “Wa-Shi”. A general term for large species of birds belonging to the family Accipitridae. Small species are called hawks, but there is no clear distinction. Compared to hawks, it has wider wings, a larger beak, and no vertical or horizontal spots on its body.

Night Hawk

1. mainly nocturnal North American goatsucker. 2. a person who likes to be active late at night. Japanese says “yo taka” > birds stock


A general term for small species of birds belonging to the order Accipitriformes. Large species are called eagles, but there is no strict distinction. The wings and tail are generally narrower and the tips of the wings are sharper than the eagle. The beak bends sharply and has large claws on the toes. A … Read More

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