[Kanji] supervisor as white characters long sleeves T-Shirt

[Kanji] supervisor long sleeves T-Shirt a program that controls the execution of other programs. someone who supervises, takes responsibility, or directs. Japanese says Kan-toku-sha.

[Kanji] supervisor T-Shirt

a program that controls the execution of other programs. someone who supervises, takes responsibility, or directs. Japanese says Kan-toku-sha. [Kanji] supervisor T-Shirt

[Kanji] managing director T-Shirts

a person responsible for the administration of a business. Japanese calls Jo-Mu. [Kanji] managing director T-Shirts

[Kanji] managing director T-shirt

a person responsible for the administration of a business. Japanese calls Jo-Mu. [Kanji] managing director T-shirt

[Kanji] deputy manager of a department T-Shirt

In an organization such as an administrative agency or a private company, it is a job / position that is placed as an agent or deputy for the job of the department manager. The position directly under the manager. Japanese calls “Ji cho”. [Kanji] deputy manager of a department T-Shirt

[Kanji] deputy manager of a department Long sleeves T-shirt

[Kanji] deputy manager of a department Long sleeves T-shirt In an organization such as an administrative agency or a private company, it is a job / position that is placed as an agent or deputy for the job of the department manager. The position directly under the manager. Japanese calls “Ji cho”.

[Kanji] company director T-shirt

[Kanji] company director T-Shirt someone who administers a business. member of a board of directors. Japanese calls Tori-Shimari-Yaku.

[Kanji] company director Tee-Shirt

someone who administers a business. member of a board of directors. Japanese calls Tori-Shimari-Yaku. [Kanji] company director T-Shirt