Japanese katydid

Japanese katydid The body is green or brown and is about 4 cm long. Seen in sunny meadows from summer to autumn, males squeak during the day. The old name for crickets. Japanese calls “Kirigirisu”. > insect kanji stocks

soft-shelled turtle

A general term for turtles belonging to the Softshell turtle family. It inhabits rivers throughout Japan except Hokkaido, the Korean Peninsula, China, and the eastern part of the Indochina Peninsula. It has been edible since ancient times, and most of the soft-shelled turtles eaten in Japan are now cultivated. It is also used for … Read More


large voracious aquatic reptile having a long snout with massive jaws and sharp teeth and a body covered with bony plates. caiman, crocodile, cayman, alligator, crocodilian. > reptile kanji stock Japanese calls Wani.ワニ 漢字 鰐 わに


predacious long-bodied large-eyed insect of warm regions. Japanese calls Kama-Kiri. > more insect in Kanji 蟷螂 カマキリ 漢字

symbolical of longevity

> example products As the Crane one thousand years, the Tortoise ten thousand years Japanese calls Tsuru-Kame. Symbols of longevity. 鶴亀 つるかめ


1. A legendary creature, usually depicted as long and snake-like, with many claws, common in several East Asian cultures. 2. A large snake-like monster with the eyes of a hare, the horns of a stag, and the claws of a tiger, known for its benevolent behavior in ancient Oriental mythology. Also, the nickname for … Read More

Turban shell

Japanese says “Sa-Za-E”. A snail that lives on the rocks on the bottom of the open sea. The shells are thick, fist-like, and often have thorn-like protrusions. Meat is used for food and shells are used for shellwork. > seafood stock 漢字 サザエ 拳螺


fishes having large mouths with a wormlike filament attached for luring prey. Japanese calls An-Ko. > fish stocks アンコウ 難読漢字

ocean sunfish

1.among the largest bony fish. 2.the lean flesh of any of numerous American perch-like fishes of the family Centrarchidae. Japanese calls “Manbou”. > fishes in Japanese stock 漢字 翻車魚 まんぼう


warm-blooded vertebrates characterized by mammary glands in the female. Japanese says “Ho Nyu Rui”. > mammals Kanji Stocks 漢字 哺乳類 ほにゅうるい


It includes the most evolved humans and apes in the animal kingdom, but also primitive primitive apes, which in itself is one of the major characteristics of primates. Japanese calls Rei-Cho-Rui. > mammals kanji stocks 漢字 霊長類 れいちょうるい


predatory arachnid with eight legs, two poison fangs, two feelers, and usually two silk-spinning organs at the back end of the body. Japan calls Kumo. Also same pronunciation Cloud in Japanese. > bugs stocks 漢字 蜘蛛 くも


Is a popular name for the Japanese common toad. They appear in the shade during the day and appear in the evening to catch insects and helminths with their tongues sticking out, but because they are quick, they seem to be naturally drawn into their mouths. It is used as a figurine as an … Read More

[Kanji] eagle T-Shirt

[Kanji] eagle T-Shirt Japanese says “Wa-Shi”. A general term for large species of birds belonging to the family Accipitridae. Small species are called hawks, but there is no clear distinction. Compared to hawks, it has wider wings, a larger beak, and no vertical or horizontal spots on its body.

Night Hawk

1. mainly nocturnal North American goatsucker. 2. a person who likes to be active late at night. Japanese says “yo taka” > birds stock


A general term for small species of birds belonging to the order Accipitriformes. Large species are called eagles, but there is no strict distinction. The wings and tail are generally narrower and the tips of the wings are sharper than the eagle. The beak bends sharply and has large claws on the toes. A … Read More

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