
chief operating officer the corporate executive responsible for the operations of the firm. Japanese says “Sai Ko Shi Ko Seki Nin Sha”. > chief Kanji stocks 最高執行責任者 さいこうしっこうせきにんしゃ


Japan calls “Sai Ko Gi Jutsu Seki Nin Sha”. A chief technical officer, is an executive-level position in a company or other entity whose occupant is focused on scientific and technological issues within an organization. > chief stocks 最高技術責任者 さいこうぎじゅつせきにんしゃ


> example stuff chief executive officer. the corporate executive responsible for the operations of the firm. Japanese says “Sai Ko Kei Ei Seki Nin Sha”. さいこうけいえいせきにんしゃ シーイーオー 最高経営責任者

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