[Kanji] Hungary with flag color T-Shirt

[Kanji] Hungary with flag color T-Shirt A republic located in the middle reaches of the Donau River in Central Europe. The official name in Hungarian (Majal) is Magya rország. The country is surrounded by Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenes.

[Kanji] Uzbekistan T-shirts

[Kanji] Uzbekistan Tee Shirts a landlocked republic in west central Asia.

[Kanji] first of health T-Shirt

[Kanji] first of health T-Shirt You have to do some things to live your life, which means that your health is the best. In other words, if you are not healthy, there is no point in studying, playing, romance, employment, work, etc., and everything is wasted. Japanese says “Ken Ko Dai Ichi”.

[Kanji] The nettle rash long sleeves T-Shirt

[Kanji] The nettle rash T-Shirts Suddenly, slightly raised red spots, with severe itching, often disappear without a few after hours. There are various types ranging from small rashes of 2 to 3 mm to those as large as palms, usually with strong itching. Japanese says Jin-ma-shin.

[Kanji] Assassin Hoodie

A person whose livelihood is assassination. In addition, assassination is “a murder act that secretly plans and plans the killing of a key person and executes it with the aim of sudden strike”. Japanese calls “An Satsu Sya”. [Kanji] Assassin Hoodie

[Kanji] hippopotamus Sleeveless Shirt

[Kanji] hippopotamus Sleeveless Shirt Japanese calls Ka-Ba. massive thick-skinned herbivorous animal living in or around rivers of tropical Africa.

[Kanji] primates Hoodie

[Kanji] primates Hoodie Includes monkeys and humans. The limbs have five fingers and flat claws (fluttering), and the first finger faces the other fingers and can grip objects. In many cases, the eyes are directed forward and binocular vision is possible. Color vision is developed and intelligence is high. Japanese says “Rei-Cho-Rui”.

[Kanji] Skull long sleeves T-Shirt

A skull that has become whitish when exposed to wind and rain. Japanese says “Doku-Ro”, “Share kobe” and “Sare kobe”. [Kanji] Skull long sleeves T-Shirt

[Kanji] land of Perfect Bliss Hoodie

[Kanji] land of Perfect Bliss Hoodie Pure land of Amida Buddha. It is said that Amitabha will be greeted after his death in a world without suffering, which is located past 100,000 billion soils to the west. Japanese calls Gokurakujodo.

[Kanji] land of Perfect Bliss T-Shirt

It is a clean land where Buddhas and Bodhisattvas live without any troubles or injuries in Buddhism. There are various types of Pure Land, and among them, the Pure Land with Amida Nyorai. Japanese calls Gokurakujodo. [Kanji] land of Perfect Bliss T-Shirt

[Kanji] dark ages T-shirt

An era in which morals and culture declined due to war and oppression, and social order was disturbed. In Western history, it refers to the Middle Ages when the development of culture was hindered by the invasion of barbarians and the oppression of churches and lords after the fall of ancient Roman culture. Japanese … Read More

[Kanji] Son Goku T-Shirt

The name of the monkey that appears in the Chinese novel “Saiyuki”. Son Goku of cartoon Dragon-ball is also a character quoted from this novel. [Kanji] Son Goku T-Shirt

[Kanji] Manga otaku long sleeves T-Shirt

a comic fanatic. a house inside meny manga. [Kanji] Manga otaku long sleeves T-Shirt

[Hiragana] Otaku by horizon Hoodie

Otaku is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly (but not limited to) anime, manga or Japanese video games. [Hiragana] Otaku Hoodie

[Kanji + Hiragana] I am genius T-Shirts

Japanese say “Watashi-Wa-Ten-Sai”. It’s female and male says word. But usually Japanese women don’t say about it herself. [Kanji + Hiragana] I am genius T-Shirt

[Kanji] dragonfly T-Shirt

[Kanji] dragonfly T-Shirt The compound eyes on the head protrude greatly to the left and right, and there are three monoculars. It has a short antennae and a chewing mouth. It has two pairs of long wings on its chest. The abdomen is long and rod-shaped. Japanese says “Ton-Bo”.

[Kanji] fight desperately long sleeves T-Shirt

Willing to fight a very painful battle against a strong opponent. In turn, make constant efforts while suffering in difficult situations. Japanese says “Aku-Sen-Ku-To”. [Kanji] fight desperately long sleeves T-Shirt

[Kanji] Shogun T-shirt

[Kanji] Shogun T-Shirt A general in Japan. A general who commands an army and sets out.

[Kanji] bronze prize T-Shirts

The third prize after the gold and silver prizes at exhibitions and fairs. Japanese says “Do-Sho”. [Kanji] bronze prize T-Shirts

[Kanji] Kimura Hoodie

The etymology is that the village is distinguished by “tree”. it’s popular first name in Japan. [Kanji] Kimura Hoodie

[Kanji] biggest in history long sleeves T-Shirt

[Kanji] biggest in history long sleeves T-Shirt The biggest thing in history. A word that describes the largest scale of things that are recorded or that are known by investigation. Japanese says “Shi-Jo-Sai-Dai”.

[Kanji] Fly long sleeves T-Shirt

Chrysomya rufifacies. An insect of the order Flies. There are many types, and they carry pathogens and are hated, but in ancient Mesopotamia they are a symbol of the god of illness and death. Some gods protect humans from flies. Japanese calls “Hae”. [Kanji] Fly long sleeves T-Shirt

[Kanji] Australia four letters T-Shirt

[Kanji] Australia T-Shirt Commonwealth of Australia. A country that occupies Australia, the world’s smallest continent in the South Pacific. The country name comes from the Latin word terra australis (southern continent).

[Kanji] Hopeless, Despair T-Shirt

No hope or expectation. Give up hope and give up. In general, the state of mind when there is no possibility of acquiring a certain absent good or eliminating an existing evil. Japanese says “Zetsu Bou”. [Kanji] Hopeless T-Shirt

[Kanji] Sumo wrestler Hoodie

A person who wrestles. Strictly speaking, it is a general term for players who belong to the sumo room, have a shikona name, and participate in sumo wrestling regardless of the ranking. Japanese says “Su Mo Riki Shi”. [Kanji] Sumo wrestler Hoodie

[Kanji] Bonsai T-Shirts

[Kanji] Bonsai T-Shirts A hobby of planting grass and moss in pots (bonsai pots, trays) in addition to trees and observing the branches, leaves, trunk skin, roots and pots, or the whole. It is characterized by imitating a natural landscape. A dwarf potted tree.

[Kanji] Tsunami long sleeves T-Shirt

[Kanji] Tsunami long sleeves T-Shirt Waves that propagate widely in the ocean, mainly caused by sudden changes in the seafloor topography caused by earthquakes. In rare cases, it is also caused by large-scale shocking forces such as eruptions of submarine volcanoes, landslides near the coast, and nuclear tests on the ocean.

[Kanji] Virgil by name T-shirt

Name Virgil translated into Japanese Kanji. Your (her/his) name became a Chinese character [Kanji]. This used as a phonetic symbol rather than for its meaning. [Kanji] Virgil by name T-shirt

[Kanji] Nepal T-Shirt

A kingdom at the southern foot of the Himalayas in northeastern India. Kathmandu, the capital. It is sandwiched between India and China (Tibet Autonomous Region), and has historically been influenced by the culture of both, making it a politically international buffer zone. Although it is mainly agricultural, it has high peaks such as Mt. … Read More

[Kanji] Aiba Hoodie

[Kanji] Hello! Aiba Hoodie it’s popular name in Japan.

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