[Kanji] warning T-shirt

[Kanji] warning T-shirt Attention is the mental process and ability to take in some stimuli and exclude other things. Attention not only works when taking information from the sensory organs, but also controls behavior, memory, thoughts and emotions, and maintains wakefulness and concentration. Japanese says chu-i.

[Kanji] warning Long sleeves T-shirt

Attention is the mental process and ability to take in some stimuli and exclude other things. Attention not only works when taking information from the sensory organs, but also controls behavior, memory, thoughts and emotions, and maintains wakefulness and concentration. Japanese says chu-i. [Kanji] warning Long sleeves T-shirt

[Kanji] warning Hoodie

Attention is the mental process and ability to take in some stimuli and exclude other things. Attention not only works when taking information from the sensory organs, but also controls behavior, memory, thoughts and emotions, and maintains wakefulness and concentration. Japanese says chu-i. [Kanji] warning Hoodie

[Kanji] state of emergency T-Shirt

A state in which there is an urgent danger to maintaining security and order due to war, civil war, and large-scale disasters. As a measure to deal with this, the constitutional system of emergency rights, which concentrates authority on the president and the cabinet, is usually considered. Japanese says “Kin Kyu Ji Tai”. [Kanji] … Read More

[Kanji] state of emergency Hoodie

[Kanji] state of emergency Hoodie A state in which there is an urgent danger to maintaining security and order due to war, civil war, and large-scale disasters. As a measure to deal with this, the constitutional system of emergency rights, which concentrates authority on the president and the cabinet, is usually considered. Japanese says … Read More