Japanese says Kiku-Jin.
This color is a representation of the traditional Japan name.
#6e7955 R:110 G:121 B:85 C:9% M:0% Y:30% K:53%
> Japanese colors stock
- Kuwazome
> Japanese colors stock Japanese says Kuwa-Zome. This color is a representation of the traditional Japan name. くわぞめ 漢字 日本の色
- Mizuasagi
This color is a representation of the traditional Japan name. #80aba9 R:128 G:171 B:169, C:25% M:0% Y:1% K:33% A pale blue color with…
- Orange color
1. orange color or pigment. 2. highly acidic orange used especially in marmalade. Japanese calls Daidai. > fruit Kanji stocks オレンジ だいだい 漢字
- Indigo
1. Since ancient times, leaves and stems have been used as indigo dyes, and seeds have been used in Chinese medicine for antipyretic…
- Usuzakura
Please check it out! > products Japanese calls Usu-zakura. This color is a representation of the traditional Japan name. #fdeff2 R:253 G:239 B:242,…
- iridescent color
1. A dyed or woven color that changes to green or purple due to the light rays. 2. A word that compares ambiguous…
- Navy blue color
It refers to dark blue with a purplish tinge, and is considered to be the deepest color in the indigo system. In the…
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