about billiards
An indoor game in which players compete for points by hitting a ball with a long stick called a cue on a rectangular table with Rasha. There are various theories about its origin, such as Spain, England, China, France, and Italy. The modern billiards have been established since the 19th century, due to technological advances accompanying the invention and improvement of appliances and fixtures such as tables, cushions, chalks and taps. It was first brought to Japan by a foreigner who stayed in Dejima, Nagasaki at the end of the Edo period.
> ball game stocks
ビリヤード 漢字 どうきゅう 撞球
[Kanji] billiards T-shirtsOne of the indoor games. Place some balls on a rectangular table with Rasha, poke one of the white balls with a stick…
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[Kanji] billiards T-Shirt[Kanji] billiards T-Shirt One of the indoor games. Place some balls on a rectangular table with Rasha, poke one of the white balls…
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