I’m full

A state in which appetite and thirst are satisfied. It expresses the meaning of heartfelt, fullness, etc. > food and drink in Japanese stocks まんぷく 漢字


Japanese calls “Tatsu Maki”. a localized and violently destructive windstorm occurring over land characterized by a funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground. > disaster kanji stocks


Japanese says “Ma”. an evil supernatural being. demon, devil, evil spirit, evil influence > include evil stocks マ 漢字


Be lazy to do what you have to do. Feeling loose and bloated. Japanese says Tai-da. > dull in Japanese stock たいだ 漢字

Kamikaze by vertically

1 wildly-driven with god breath with Japanese oldies letter. 2 The Kamikaze, officially Tokubetsu Kōgekitai , abbreviated as Tokkō Tai , and used as a verb as Tokkō , were suicide attacks by military aviators from the Empire of Japan against Allied naval vessels in the closing stages of the Pacific campaign of World … Read More

completed Money laundering

Money obtained by legitimate means by transferring money obtained by illegal means such as drug trafficking or illegal funds obtained by crime by using a fictitious account or an account in the name of another person. To pretend to be. マネーロンダリング 漢字 > example products


Please check it out! > example stuff Japanese calls “Kin Kyu Ji Tai”. 1. a sudden unforeseen crisis that requires immediate action. 2. a state in which martial law applies. きんきゅうじたい エマージェンシー 漢字


Japanese says “Geki”. 1. It’s hard to beat. The momentum is strong. It’s frustrating. Strict. The change is rapid and remarkable. 2. Move strongly. emotions violently. > extra letter stocks ゲキ 漢字

Birthday festival

fourth Thursday in November in the United States. Japanese says “Tan-Jo-Sai”. > Thanks in Japanese Stock > birthday in Japanese Stock たんじょうさい 漢字 誕生祭


Please check it out! > example products Japanese says “Ho Syu Teki”. 1. a person who is reluctant to accept changes and new ideas. 2. a member of a Conservative Party.


No ability or talent. It’s useless. Also, that person and that kind of person. Japanese says Mu-no > product for example むのう 漢字

at daybreak, at dawn

the earliest period Japanese says “Rei-Mei”. the earliest period. the first light of day. > dawn kanji stock 黎明 れいめい


Please check it out! > example products 1. a violent weather condition with winds 64-72 knots (11 on the Beaufort scale) and precipitation and thunder and lightning. 2. a direct and violent assault on a stronghold. 3. a violent commotion or disturbance. Japanese says “Arashi”.


Japanese says “Baku Hatsu”. 1. the act of exploding or bursting. 2. a sudden outburst. 3. a violent release of energy caused by a chemical or nuclear reaction. 4. a sudden great increase. > kanji stocks as desire


the act of terminating a life. murder, killing, putting to death. Japanese says “Satsu”. > example products さつ 漢字 殺


To attract people’s hearts and lose their reason. attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates. a charm. Mi Waku > example stuff


Japanese says “Matsuri”. 1. an organized series of acts and performances. 2. a day or period of time set aside for feasting and celebration. > celebrations stock

work hard, with one’s whole heart

work hard Please check it out! > products very hard, with utmost effort, with all one’s might, desperately, frantically, for dear life, all-out effort, sticking at living in and defending one place. いっしょけんめい 漢字 筆文字


1. delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration. 2. appealing to the emotions as well as the eye. 3. pleasing by delicacy or grace. 4. ovable especially in a childlike or naive way. 5. dearly loved. 6. pleasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance. 7. pleasing or delighting. 8. pleasing … Read More

Thank you very much

1 an acknowledgment of appreciation. 2 a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation. 3 an expression of gratitude. Japanese says kan-sha. > Thanks in Japanese Stock thank you so much 漢字 かんしゃ

a clear and cloudless sky

Japanese says “Ni Hon Bare” or “Ni Ppon Bare”. beautiful weather, clear and cloudless sky, clear Japanese weather. > more about weather letter stocks にほんばれ 漢字

Hopeless, Despair

Japanese says “Zetsu Bou”. without hope because there seems to be no possibility of comfort or success. > product for example ぜつぼう 漢字

very hot

Japanese says “Geki Atsu” or “Geki Sho”. severe heat, intense heat, oppressive heat げきしょ げきあつ 漢字

cheerful sick-less body (Genki)

Japanese says “Gen Ki”. No problem on one’s body or health. And well mentally. > happy stocks げんき 漢字

against nuclear

Japanese says “Gen-Patsu-Han-Tai”. Opposed to the production or use of nuclear weapons, or opposed to the generation of electricity from nuclear power. > wish kanji stock 原発反対

beauty face

Japanese says “Bi Gan”. It is the same pronunciation with “begun”. Pretty face, beautiful face. Also, make your face beautiful. > wellness and peaceful Japanese stock 美顔 びがん

deep sleep

Japanese says “Baku Sui”. Slow-wave sleep (SWS), often referred to as deep sleep, consists of stage 3 and 4 of non-rapid eye movement sleep, according to the Rechtschaffen & Kales (R & K) standard of 1968. > example stuff 爆睡 ばくすい


Japanese says “Cyo”,”Cho”. 1. most distant in any direction. 2. of the greatest possible degree or extent or intensity. 3. far beyond a norm in quantity or amount or degree. 4. beyond a norm in views or actions. > extra letter stocks 超 エクストリーム


About Birthday in Japan A day to commemorate the birth. In Japan, there was no wind to celebrate every year’s birthday in ancient times, and it began to be held gradually after the Meiji era. Since ancient times in Japan, the custom of celebrating each individual’s birthday has not arisen because the age is … Read More

twitter addict

People who are absorbed in just doing Twitter. Person who has caused the poisoning symptoms on Twitter. Japan Word coinage. Japanese calls “Twitter Chu-doku”. > Stocks about SNS ツイッター中毒 つぶやきちゅうどく 漢字

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