Japanese says “Bu shi do”. As the word Edo period identity system agro-industry trader, samurai stands above the world, holds the virtue of Confucianism, acts as a saint, and should be encouraged by martial arts. It seems that it was considered as virtue not to be caught by life such as food, food and … Read More
It is blue beryl. The name is a word that means “seawater” in Latin. A gem name of a transparent blue tone among the green pillar stones. Most of the commercial products are cheaper than emeralds and have been treated with heat from green to yellow-green patyrite. Japan call “Ai dama”.
Republic in West Asia. The northeastern mountainous area occupies the plains of the Tigris and Euphrates river basins, and is the birthplace of the Mesopotamia civilization. There is much oil production. It is said to be the birthplace of farming culture.